24 hours, 24 fairy tales: the public media joins the Hungarian Folktale Day with a special fairy tale marathon

The public media channels for children, M2 Gyerekcánal and Csukás Meserádió, are preparing an unusual fairy tale marathon for Monday, September 30, the day of the Hungarian folk tale, the Press and Marketing Office of the Media Service Support and Asset Management Fund (MTVA) told MTI.

On the important day, well-known athletes, artists and public media presenters will tell stories, drawing attention to the importance of reading. The stories told at all hours of the day can be followed on the social media page of the M2 Children's Channel, which will later be broadcast by Csukás Rádió, the announcement reads.

Recalled: Benedek Elek, commemorating the birthday of the great storyteller, on the initiative of the Hungarian Readers Association, since 2005, September 30 has been the day of Hungarian folktales. The public media also joins the event, which directs attention to the values ​​of the Hungarian folktale treasure and aims to convey the universal, eternal values ​​and wisdom found in fairy tales.

Public media channels for children celebrate Hungarian folk tales in an unusual way: on September 30, the Facebook page of the M2 Children's Channel awaits visitors with a 24-hour fairy tale marathon, on which 24 well-known people read 24 well-loved folk tales.

Olympic and Paralympic athletes - Boglárka Kapás, Ádám Telegdy, Dániel Varga, Aisha Kardffy, Illés Fanni and Gréta Gurisatti - and renowned artists such as coloratura soprano Erika Miklósa, music historian András Batta or pianist Péter Sárik joined the 24 hours, 24 stories initiative. , composer. Mari award-winning actor Csaba Pindroch Jászai also reads a fairy tale, the popular contest of the Danube, Hungary, I love you! game master of the show, as well as Dorottya Radványi, host of Duna, Máté Esztergályos, editor-in-chief of Szakcsi Rádió, and Let's do the festival! Kata Janza, a well-known Jászai Mari award-winning actress from her jury.

The legendary sports commentator István B. Hajdú plays the role of the story reader, along with the hosts of M4 Sport and the National Sports Radio, Andrea Petrovics-Mérei, Bence Mohay, as well as Zsuzsa Csisztu and Éva Ristov. In addition to them, Ildikó Bényi az Onék kérút appears with a magical story, as well as Noémi Morvai, the presenter of Libretto, one of the host-couples of Család-barát, Barbara Somossy and Bence Forró, as well as a well-known voice of Kossuth and Dankó Rádió, Tamás Balog and Tibor Hajdú.

In their interpretation, you can hear, among others, such well-known and popular fairy tales as The Little Sphere, The Prince and His Wife, The Fox Sharing the Cheese, The Little Rooster's Diamond Half-Kraycár or The Clever Girl.

Csukás Meserádió dedicates an entire thematic day to the day of the Hungarian folktale. They can listen to heartwarming stories presented by Károly Mécs, Gyula Szabó, Gábor Csőre and Lajos Básti, among others. The channel voice of the station, Gubik Petra, welcomes the listeners of the online radio with interesting facts about folk tales and other tales, and the folk music selection will also be extremely varied on this day. The M2 Children's Channel promises a fabulous day not only on its online interface, but also on the screen. The children's channel of the public media broadcasts several iconic pieces of the Hungarian folk tales series from the beginning of the broadcast until the evening.

The fairy tale leading up to the mesmarathon - in which the stars tell stories together - can now be viewed on M2's Facebook page.

Source: MTI

Cover image: mediaklikk.hu