It is now certain that the government has destroyed the City Park. It became a terrible place, where the trees were cut down so that it became more than it was. The area was developed in such a way that now anyone who can can go there to relax - and to admire how the ruins became beautiful and useful buildings. That's destruction itself, isn't it?

We must be doing something very wrong, how else could what happened in Dubai on Saturday happen? Moreover, for the first time in the history of the International Travel Awards. The Liget Budapest Project won three awards at the same time :

ours became the best tourist development in the world and the best family-friendly development in Europe, and the House of Hungarian Music was recognized as the most attractive tourist attraction in Europe.

It is possible, of course, that if nothing had happened in the Liget, we could have received even more recognition, such as: chaining to a fence, setting fire to a tree, forming a garbage dump category. Of course, these awards could have been supplemented with the "Most dilapidated building" award, but the problem is that for some mysterious reason no competitions are held in these categories. It's a pity, because if nothing had happened in the Liget, we could have been winners.

Yes, but we still won, despite the fact that the mayor of the city obstructed the developments wherever he could. He didn't need a renewed Városliget, he liked the sight of decay and destruction more. It's understandable, because a wonderful political benefit could have been made from, for example, a dilapidated building falling on someone, or a rotting tree falling on a car. Then it would have been possible to whine that, behold, the government allowed the jewel of the capital to fall and fall into ruin.

But he didn't let it, even despite the mayor's protest.

Of course, you can still sulk, let's say regret the accolades, but that would be cheesy. Because

the International Travel Awards is the most prestigious award in the field of travel and tourism, also known as the "Tourism Oscars"

and every year it rewards the best among thousands of actors. The Liget Project also competed with popular tourism projects from 120 countries, and it proved to be the best based on the votes of the jury and the general public.

"With the world's most prestigious tourism and real estate development awards, we can now say that everyone is scratching their heads about the uniqueness and complexity of the Liget project, that here more than 100-year-old institutions coexist peacefully with new ones of outstanding architectural quality and form a living system, while the nature, the park surrounds them with experience functions and recreational opportunities," said Benedek Gyorgyevics, CEO of Városliget Zrt., after the award ceremony.

There is no doubt that being the world leader in any field is a huge success, so are the accolades you have just received. The Liget has become one of Europe's attractions, which of course increases the tourist attraction of Budapest many times over.

And Karigeri can bask in the success, because he not only did nothing, but also prevented the implementation.


Author: Jr. György Tóth

Title Image: Screenshot