The attack on Balázs Orbán by the opposition parties and their press shows their malicious attitude and their ignorance of 1956. Being headhunters cannot make up for their lack of multilateral knowledge (history, politics, economy). They believe that beans are also meat.

At the same time, their complicity with Péter Magyar cannot be justified either, since we have known for a long time that apples are not to be mixed with pears. Especially not when the mottling of the pear suggests careful consumption.

By way of comparison: Balázs Orbán does not lie like night and day, but he confesses that the memory of 1956 is sacred and inviolable. As a patriot, in addition to my commitment as a spiritual defender of the country, I can say that his work so far has been very good.

What was said in the aforementioned interview was precisely interpreted by the Prime Minister as addressed to him.

As a lesson, I would add that bounty hunters should not forget that you cannot clean a window with a bullet sprayer. Power-hungry is a bad counselor.

I myself understood the events of 1956 at the age of ten, and I still feel the loss that forced my brother to flee the country conquered by the Soviets.

Zelensky would have had the opportunity to choose a peaceful solution in the process of Russian aggression.

Contrasted with the situation created when our 1956 revolution was crushed. We were left alone. However, the West immediately lined up behind Ukraine, forming a shield. They received and receive money, money and weapons. With this force, it was also possible to propose an immediate cease-fire and the start of peace negotiations.

Perhaps under Western pressure, but as a singular leader, Zelensky chose war of his own free will. The result is still unpredictable, Ukraine is bleeding from several wounds.

Europe is in an economic crisis. The EU bureaucracy brings its boomerang-type sanctions one after the other. The two superpowers, who are actually opposed to each other, made the Ukrainian people their plaything for both political and economic interests.

There was and is a choice, the question then and now is war or peace? Life or death?

War supporters can ultimately be forgiven by the creator. I am convinced that Balázs Orbán does not belong here.

László Csizmadia,
president of CÖF-CÖKA