It is conceivable that really unpleasant recordings could have been made of the party chairman, at least this can be inferred from his communication. The head of the Tisza mentioned "events taking place in bed"...

Maybe Péter Magyar fears the worst, who accused his former lover of blackmail, making secret recordings and betrayal, after Evelin Vogel told Index in an interview about their relationship and the beginnings of the politician's career.

As is known, according to the accusations of the Tisza Party president, his former lover has 11 hours of video and audio recordings, which he gave to Gábor Kubatov in exchange for a monthly allowance of several million.

After the publication of the interview with Evelin Vogel, in his Facebook post, Péter Magyar only wrote that Evelin Vogel made audio and video recordings of his conversations and discussions with the leaders of the Tisza Party.

Speaking to ATV that evening, however, more serious matters were also discussed.

When the reporter asked to what extent what he accuses his ex-girlfriend of is different from when he secretly recorded his wife, Péter Magyar replied: "I didn't record internal conversations and events taking place in bed, let's say."

From this seemingly accidental comment by Magyar, it is clear that the politician may be afraid of a potential sex video.

This would not be the first time that Péter Magyar "runs forward", thus trying to take the edge off some unpleasant footage that might escape him.

Péter Magyar made a comment similar to what he said on ATV the other day in an interview he gave to Telex at the end of February, when he said: "I think that the organization called Megafon and its activists have so far burned 50 million forints of public money in order to to discredit them, to discredit them, that I'm a fool, that I'm a wife beater, that I'm a football player's wife, that I have an expensive watch."

Magyar's outburst was also incomprehensible at the time, because until then neither Megafon nor any other media product had even hinted that he had abused his ex-wife.

Not long after, however, it became clear why the president of the Tisza Party was able to talk about this in advance, who had already stated more specifically a day before András Dezső's article was published on HVG about the report made by the policeman protecting Judith Varga who threatened his Hungarian wife. about his behavior.

The ex-husband then wrote on Facebook: "Can you hear Antal Rogán?! Do you really think that if the whispering propaganda spreads that I beat the mother of my children several times and the police had to be called to our house several times, then you will discourage us from taking back our country brick by brick?" - said the president of the Tisza Party in his post dated April 17, and then described that two weeks earlier he had been contacted by an investigative journalist of one of the largest online news portals, saying that he had received a secret police report prepared after their family dispute on December 29, 2020. and wants to talk to him about its content.

Not long after, Judit Varga herself spoke out, and in a shocking interview she told in detail about the mental abuse she had to endure as a Hungarian wife for many years.

It became clear from the conversation why the president of the Tisza Party was afraid that the way he behaved with his family would become public.

He tried something similar on the morning of the famous five-garden mishap.

After his outrageous behavior, he was kicked out of the downtown nightclub in the middle of the night by the security guards, after allegedly taking and throwing into the Danube the phone of a man filming him. In this case, too, the politician tried to communicate his own interpretation of what happened that night right after the evening. It's true, as his head cleared somewhat, he realized himself that the post he published at five o'clock in the morning, when he got home from the party, didn't go very well, because he quickly deleted the hard-to-decode text that said:

"We would have had a good party, but the Tónis didn't want to let the young people have a good time. Go Steve Klorrá, go Megafon…”

A couple of weeks later, however, Péter Magyar wrote an even more surreal post, in which he tried to explain further charges allegedly being prepared against him.

In this text, published on July 10, he wrote: "for weeks they have been threatening to release compromising photos, not only of me, but of my ex-girlfriend."

These lines could even be a sign that Magyar, even then, wanted to take the edge off everything that he thought could be included in the "image and sound recordings" at Evelin Vogel's. At that time, they were already well over the breakup.

According to Magyar, his ex-girlfriend has been blackmailing him since May with the approximately 11 hours of footage he has.

In addition, Magyar also wove into this post a jolly joker-type text that insures him against the appearance of any future potentially compromising content, when he wrote:

"They will try to discredit me with new, real and fake (modified with artificial intelligence) images, and if they are really professionals, they will create so-called 'deep fake' videos about me."

For now, however, one can only speculate whether the sex video that Péter Magyar himself talked about in ATV could actually exist.

Cover photo: Péter Magyar, chairman of the Tisza Party at the party's event
Source: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs