In Austria, the II. Such a result has not been achieved since World War II.

This is a huge breakthrough for the Patriots, because the strongest party in one of the most important western member states sits in this EP faction.

A historic victory was born in Austria, Orbán's ally won big. According to Ernő Schaller-Baross, a member of the European Parliament of Fidesz, the victory of the Freedom Party is a historic result, as they have never achieved such a good result.

In Austria, the II. Since World War II, no party other than the Austrian Socialists or the Austrian People's Party has ever won an election.

And for the Patriots, this is a huge breakthrough, because members of the strongest party in one of the most important western member states also sit in the Patriots faction.

Migration was a central topic in Austria during the campaign, "in Austria, this issue is practically constantly on the agenda", "in the big cities there are already intolerable conditions". Schaller-Baross believes that migration will be the central theme of the next 3-4-5 elections.

"This obviously strengthened the Freedom Party," stated the EP representative.

The Russian-Ukrainian war was also an important point during the election, "it seems that the Freedom Party is a pro-peace party," noted Schaller-Baross.

Cover image: Ernő Schaller-Baross, Fidesz EP representative
Source: Ernő Schaller-Baross