Past, present, future Miskolc's guiding principle is VIII. CÖF Club Miskolc for Day.

The Miskolc Club of the Civil Unity Forum, in cooperation with the ÉLETFA Foundation for Social and Environmental Culture, the ÉLETMŰTÁRS Art and Civics Association, respectfully invites those interested

for the programs starting at 10 a.m. on October 5th at the House of Science and Technology (Görgey A. u. 5) in Miskolc.

Past, present, future Miskolc's guiding principle is VIII. CÖF Club Miskolc for Day. This is the guiding principle, since there is a political change in the leadership of the city.

While we confidently look to the enterprising city management to solve the many tasks of the years ahead, we also reflect on one of the city's successful periods, not forgetting the city's previous five years.

We expect the debut mayor József Tóth-Szántai to outline the program in which we trusted him and his team with our votes.

In Tamás Bihall's presentation, we can get to know the activities of one of the iconic mayors of Miskolc, István Szentpáli, who "brought with him Western European taste, wide-ranging knowledge, and a modern city management program." As part of the program, we will lay wreaths on the graves of two heroes from 1848.

For the evening, our friends from Székely put on the crown.

We cordially invite and warmly welcome all interested parties together with their family members.

The event is supported by grant number NEAO-KP-1-2024/6-000769. Please fill out the attendance form to help with the settlement.

During the morning program, we collect for the reconstruction of the Cave Bath.

Dr. Attila Lengyel, honorary president of the CÖF Club Miskolc
Gyula Holló, president of the CÖF Club Miskolc