Those present could also read a sharp criticism of the government between the lines in the speech of Zoltán Pokorni, when he inaugurated a plaque in honor of the President of the Republic László Sólyom as mayor. The XII. The head of the district, who resigned on October 1, said that between 1990 and 2011 we lived much more freely, but today there is a similar state-centeredness as under Horthy and Kádár. Civil democracy could not take root, and the libertarian experiment failed under the Fidesz government.

On September 17, the Hegyvidéki Self-Government placed a plaque in honor of the late President László Sólyom, which Zoltán Pokorni, Budapest XII. was inaugurated by the previous mayor of the district, who left his office on October 1.

Válasz Online aired his speech published five days ago on Hegyvidék TV, which, as they say, seems much more interesting than the attention it has received so far, Index .

The following excerpt from the speech was highlighted:

"After a horrible twentieth century, when Hungary lived its life in a state-centered society under Horthy and then […] under Kádár, we had a very encouraging decade, or two, two and a half decades, to leave this state-centeredness behind us and a more plural , multi-colored, today we avoid the word a bit delicately: let's live as free people in a more liberal, libertarian or diversified, multi-polar society. Between 1990 and 2011, we were given to trust in this, to live in this. Since then - due to who knows what iron laws - we see this state-centeredness getting stronger again. If we want to characterize this refreshing two decades of Hungarian society with one figure, then it is certain that we will not find anyone more suitable for this than László Sólyom."

He was one of the best-known politicians of Fidesz

Pokorni was previously the president of Fidesz, faction leader and minister of education were among his titles, the XII. and he led the district from the fall of 2006. He did not run for mayor again this year, although in 2019 he won with the largest percentage of the Fidesz candidates in Budapest. According to him, he is tired of thirty years of politics and is going back to teaching, but he remains close to the government.

Cover image: Photo: MTI/Noémi Bruzák