The aim of the RMDSZ is to repeat the good result achieved in the municipal election on June 9, to have a strong parliamentary faction and, if appropriate, even to serve the Hungarian community with governmental means.

Romania has a proportional election system, so wherever people vote for the lists of candidates of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (RMDSZ), it will become a parliamentary mandate somewhere - the president of the RMDSZ encouraged his fellow Hungarian citizens living abroad or scattered to vote on Wednesday.

Kelemen Hunor (together with the members of the RMDSZ faction) previously filed the supporting signatures necessary to run in the Romanian parliamentary and presidential elections at the Central Election Commission (BEC) in Bucharest.

The aim of the RMDSZ is to repeat the good result achieved in the municipal election on June 9, to have a strong parliamentary faction and, if appropriate, to be able to serve the Hungarian community with governmental means and support the local governments, pointed out the president of the association and head of state candidate .

"In order for us to get from one to two, to preserve what we have acquired, to be able to add to it, to work for the motherland, to modernize the living conditions of our communities, a strong parliamentary group is needed. On the other hand, a good result in local governments can be used if there is a strong parliamentary group behind it, and especially if we can also use government tools," the president of the RMDSZ explained to Hungarian journalists.

The politician pointed out: the RMDSZ program not only contains the institutional guarantees necessary to preserve the ethnic identity of the Hungarian community in Transylvania, but also provides answers to all economic and social areas. As a presidential candidate, Kelemen Hunor wants to address the Romanian society with the "voice of common sense" and calls for the reform of the "state that has grown on the heads of the citizens", as he said, in such a way that the state does not rule over the citizens, but serves them.

The RMDSZ registered more than 270,000 signatures at the BEC on Wednesday, so it can run candidates in all counties of Romania and foreign constituencies in the December 1 parliamentary election, and its presidential candidate can take part in the presidential election, the first round of which will be held on November 24, the second round will be held on December 8.

The presidential candidates had to file at least 200,000 supporting signatures. In the parliamentary voting, those parties or minority organizations can present a list of candidates in all counties and in foreign constituencies that obtain the support of at least half a percent of the almost 19 million citizens on the voter register, that is, almost 95,000 voters.

On Wednesday, the RMDSZ filed the list of candidates running in foreign constituencies with the BEC.

Foreign candidate lists must be submitted earlier in order to give Romanian citizens living abroad time to vote by mail. The list of representative and senator candidates must be submitted to the county election committees by October 17.


Cover photo: Kelemen Hunor, president of the Romanian Hungarian Democratic Association (RMDSZ)
Source: MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi