According to the Prime Minister, the EU will sooner fall apart because of migration than die from bad economic policy.

Viktor Orbán stated at the beginning of the interview that the adjustment of the ratios was the most important thing during the multi-day government meeting held in Gest. According to his words, there is currently a great temptation for Hungary to deal with international affairs because of wars, however, as he said, we must take care of ourselves, we must not be seduced.

We have to take care of the economy"

- remarked Viktor Orbán, according to whom the government will focus on economic measures and jobs and salaries.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the European Union made a decision that seems to seal its competitiveness. In the case of protective tariffs, the prime minister said: "This is an economic cold war" . As is known, Brussels will decide today whether to impose punitive tariffs on the Chinese, as he said, the government opposes this and the majority agrees with it.

We want to achieve economic neutrality. This is being established at the level of the plans"

- said the Prime Minister, who believes that the Hungarian economy is based on producing much more products than is needed.

The prime minister emphasized that next year's GDP growth is expected to be between 3-6 percent, but he can imagine even higher. He said that tourism had a record year this year, the food industry had a good year, but the vehicle industry is coughing.

As he said, the most important thing is whether people have a job and while unemployment was 12 percent in 2010, now there are 60-70 thousand vacant positions and it is natural for everyone that there is a job and everyone has a job.

Regarding salaries, he emphasized that inflation was currently the main problem, but the rapid increase in prices has now stopped.

From the point of view of the normal functioning of the economy, the most important thing is for employers to raise wages due to higher prices"

he stated.

The government's goal is to reach a minimum wage of 1,000 euros, and the current average wage of 600,000 forints must be increased to one million forints, according to the Prime Minister, this will be possible within two or three years. Viktor Orbán said that there is a significant lag in wages in several areas of the public sector, and in the event of economic growth, wages will be raised in the entire sector. 

We will not let go of the family support system"

- said the prime minister, who believes that it is necessary to get there so that families with children do not fare worse than those without children.

When asked about immigration, Viktor Orbán said that if the European Union continues to torment us, then "we will transport the migrants to the main square of Brussels" . The prime minister emphasized: "the EU cannot die because of bad economic policy, because migration will disintegrate the union first".

The people will not tolerate foreigners settling on the continent. The fact that the Freedom Party won in Austria is a sign of this"

said Viktor Orbán.

Regarding the security policy situation, the Prime Minister said that if there is a war in the Middle East, we will drink the juice of it as soon as Iran started shooting at Israel, and then the fighting is already going on in Lebanon, and the forint began to weaken. Regarding the war, he also explained that there are a large number of people of Jewish origin living in our country, this is a personal matter for them. The prime minister believes that there is no chance of peace in the Russian-Ukrainian war due to the positions of the two sides, in such a situation the actors of international life can guide the parties in the direction of peace.

As a result, the Friends of Peace group was formed under the leadership of the Chinese and Brazilians"

- Viktor Orbán announced, according to whom they are building a large, international group which, in the event of a favorable American election result, can steer things in the direction of peace.


Featured image: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer