We feel the care: sometimes they take care of us with a breach-of-obligation farce, sometimes with a funny penalty of many billions, sometimes with a funny country report.

Thank God! We have been waiting for this like a blessing from heaven during a drought, since we are so rarely part of it. No more than two or three times a day.

It is a very nice thing on the part of the Brusselsites (read: globalists) that they do not let the patriotic Hungarians get lost. Neither the EP representatives nor the domestic politicians. They provide them with work, train them to resist, and help them practice the techniques and tactics necessary for combat. They do this out of pure goodwill, because they don't want such a promising country to sink into the big European mess.

Our well-wishers will do everything to ensure that we don't feel lost for a single moment, don't get bored and don't forget to take self-defense steps.

Steel is hardened, the palm tree grows under burden, God tests the one he loves and the rest.

They can love us very much, because the Great Globalist Leader, Ursula von der Pfizer, never hesitates to deal with us when she has some time between writing two disappearing text messages. He could also oblige his most loyal sole lickers to take care of the poor Hungarians, since they are as alone in the middle of the Slavic sea as Robinson Crusoe on the uninhabited island. Well, he sends us there not only on Fridays, but also on Saturdays, Sundays and henchmen named after every day of the week, who make sure that we feel cared for. Sometimes with a breach of duty farce, sometimes with a funny multibillion-dollar penalty, sometimes with a funny country report.

Caring is good.

It would be interesting to assess, although such an aggregation certainly does not exist, how many times, in proportion to the population, such and such actions launched against us, EP parliamentary and LIBE committee condemnations are compared to those born against all other member states. We are definitely the leaders of the EU list in this regard.

It would also not be out of the question if we looked at how many proceedings were initiated against us at the European Court of Justice, how many we initiated - and how many times we were found to be right. I'm not wrong, the result converges to zero. A big question is what proportion of other states have won in the trials conducted at the European Court of Justice? I'm not wrong if I assume, much more than zero.

It would not be out of the question to find out in the case of which countries the EP accepted country reports based on lies, and in which countries a similarly scandalous decision was made in the vote counting (because in a completely absurd way the votes of those who abstained were treated as if they were unnoticed representatives of the spirit world, i.e. there wouldn't they have been)? I'm not wrong when I say that the globalists praise only us for manipulated results.

But only because we are so important to them that they take special care of us. And with love, respect, and recognition, like boys in kindergarten with girls. If they really like them, they will pull their hair out.

The globalists of the EP can worship us, because they not only drag us, but also kick us, in order to emphasize their love.

But it's good to be an EU country! After all, the money flows to us from there, although this practice still needs a bit of adjustment, because the flow of money flowing towards us usually avoids Hungary and somehow ends up in Ukraine with a few sharp turns. Which, of course, is just a misunderstanding, because the globalists are aware of the existence of the Transcarpathian Hungarian minority. They are also Hungarian, so it doesn't matter?

But it's good to be an EU country! If we weren't, we would never have learned that men can also menstruate and give birth. Of course, of course, since the word menstruation includes the word "men", i.e. male. It is the human right of everyone to give birth, but at best they will not succeed. But we already learned from the Life of Brian that law can override reality. Normal citizens of a country outside the EU are forced to do without this basic knowledge.

Just as they cannot know that at least 72 do not exist, yes, there is only one that can be used to admit that at least 72 do not exist. We cannot accept a negative answer, because this is the Garden of Eden itself, where everyone can freely choose between gender identities. We can also thank Brussels for this knowledge (because the USA is not a dog either), what would we be without it?

But it's good to be an EU country! If we weren't, how would we know that buying Russian gas, oil, and raw materials and selling products to them is a capital crime? If they don't tell us, we'll never know and we'll make the mistake of thinking that the energy crisis wouldn't affect us, that we wouldn't need to cut utility bills, and that we wouldn't be afraid that the oil taps would suddenly be shut off thanks to our Ukrainian friends. In this way, however, we receive great help from the luminaries of the Union to remedy our problems, because they provide us with wise advice, like this: Solve it.

But it's good to be an EU country! Because the European community teaches us, the Bugrian desert dwellers, the need for solidarity. Because they explain why we should settle refugees who flee from nowhere, who adapt well to their own traditions and customs, who simplify complicated cases with their justice-distributing knives, who bring gender diversity by introducing gang violence, who delight every European country with population growth, in return for free they are entitled to wages, housing, social and health benefits.

Unlike the natives, who cannot even speak, or if they do, they immediately become racist and xenophobic. Well, love what's foreign!

But where did I go? After all, I started talking about the EU and the good intentions shown towards our country. Now here is the latest gift, after the incompetent and multi-lick Spar case, a further court proceeding due to our sovereignty protection law. And they are right! Don't let the buggers dare to investigate the NGOs and their foreign clients who sneakily intervene in Hungarian public affairs! Learn to be European, i.e. do what Brussels wants and everything will be fine soon.

We are equals in the EU, or what! The little ones are equally obliged to do what the big ones want. That's right.

I will ask the question once more, a little more specifically: has there ever been a Hungarian decision, regulation, or law against which the globalist staff of the EU would not have initiated proceedings or launched a lawsuit? Let me know if you know of such a thing, because I can't think of it.

Also, there is one more thing: we have not yet been sued for breathing. It's scheduled for next week.

Featured Image: Pixabay