The president of the Tisza party was invited to the public media six times, and he only went once, but now he is demonstrating because he doesn't think he is invited enough. Maybe if they were on their knees begging him…

Péter Magyar organized a demonstration in front of the MTVA headquarters in Kunigunda Street this afternoon. The president of the Tisza Party called a demonstration against the public media, where he himself was a guest a few days ago. The politician expressed his views in a live broadcast on September 26 as a guest of the current channel M1 and radio Kossuth, but now he demands that he be able to appear in a live broadcast. He also published a 16-point list. In response to all this, the following was said in the noon news of the current channel M1:

"We will, of course, report on the event in our news programs, and we will continue to invite representatives of the opposition parties, including Péter Magyar, to our programs."

The president of the Tisza Party also threatens violent action in his "open letter", and while calling for a live broadcast of Saturday's events, he also mentions the violent events of 2006, which took place in Szabadság tér at the then headquarters of the television station.

In response to the objections of the public television, according to which the opposition parties are not given the opportunity to appear, including Tisza led by Péter Magyar, he emphasized:

since September 12, the politician and the representative of his party have been invited to six live broadcasts, of which he accepted only one.

The news station also presented Péter Magyar's 16-point open letter, which, according to him, is about transforming the public media into a real public service media. This includes, among others, the resignation of the general manager of public media and the heads of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), as well as the restoration of political supervision over public media and the amendment of press correction rules.

Péter Magyar would also have a say in the program structure when he wants to end the late-night Chinese and Russian newscasts, as well as the Egyperces newscasts, while not talking about the German and English-language newscasts.

"Let's destroy the News Agency!"

In this regard, one of its activists, László Donát - who has been organizing actions for the Tisza Party for months - told his Hungarian sympathizers in an aggressive style on his social media page that

"Come on, we're going to destroy the News!".

In another post, he already wrote about bringing a pickaxe and an ax with him to the demonstration.

You can see the man's message below:

On the front page at all costs

Péter Magyar is hastily looking for topics with which he can get into the press, be on the front page, and with which he can strengthen the kind of behavior that is why his sympathizers stick with him for the time being - political analyst Ervin Nagy, employee of Mandiner, said on Saturday in the current program of the M1 channel .

According to the political analyst, "a lot of unpleasant cases" regarding Péter Magyar were made public in the summer, he repeatedly "behaved in contradictions", and he is trying to divert attention from them. He believed that the purpose of the Saturday demonstration announced in front of the public media building was to increase the "Orbán-phobia", search for topics and divert attention.

Ervin Nagy reminded:

previously, MTVA invited the Tisza Párt president several times to various debate programs, which he refused, but later he also appeared on M1 and Kossuth Rádió. The political analyst therefore considers the demonstration to be "pointless".

He called it interesting that Ákos Hadházy also indicated his participation in the demonstration, since, as he said, he was the loudest critic of the Tisza Party president in the recent period. According to Ervin Nagy, the member of parliament is going to the demonstration so that "he can also be in the media, he can also be on the front pages" . He also talked about how Péter Magyar previously tried to "push" the opposition left-wing parties away from him because he wanted to get their voters.

He added:

he almost succeeded, his entry into politics and its partial success is that he "knocked down the left" and got left-wing voters on his side. According to Ervin Nagy, the fact that he does not cooperate with these parties, does not cooperate with Ferenc Gyurcsány and the others "fits in logically", but this is "a communication trick".

According to him, if we "remove the veil from what Péter Magyar said" , nothing will remain but the same thing that the left has been doing for the past 14 years.

Featured image: Péter Magyar, the president of the Tisza Party (center) at the party's demonstration in front of the MTVA headquarters in Óbuda on October 5, 2024. MTI/Koszticsák Solid