Let's see some stations of German brain death and degeneration!


Now tell me what kind of things are happening here, while the German ambassador accredited to Budapest said the following at the celebratory reception organized on the Day of German Unity:

"Currently, we see with concern that the Hungarian government is putting this capital, which is also yours, at risk as a political bet with a completely uncertain goal and uncertain outcome. [...] Hungary is currently an important partner and ally for us, and will remain so. We specifically want to keep our friendship and we really want to be able to trust each other. Hungary is on a path that distances it from its friends."

And listen closely, now comes the best part:

"Hungary's real friends are in Europe, and talk about connectivity and neutrality won't change anything."

György Tóth Jr.: Arrogance über alles

We got it. So it's about

while, for example, Germany and the EU increased their exports to "stan" countries by 50 percent in the past year (the final destination of which exports is, of course, Russia), in the meantime, we Hungarians should not jump and leave this connectivity and economic neutrality, let's just tie ourselves to the sinking Titanic-like to the German economy.

Because then we will remain friends and "regain trust".

And of course it wouldn't hurt to learn a little about German democracy either. We could learn, for example, Annalena Baerbock's ars poetics that "I never cared what my constituents wanted" . Or the ars poetics of the vice-chancellor, Robert Habeck, according to which "I always felt nauseous when I heard the word patriotism, I never knew what to do with Germany, and I still can't" . This is what we should become so that Ambassador Julia Gross loves us and trusts us. S

we could also learn that the winners cannot come to power, no matter how they win the elections, because "a cordon must be drawn around them", but we do not yet know exactly if, for example, the AfD will win in the entire country, and moreover with an absolute majority, then how will it be on a tightrope, but we'll see, and it will also be a great celebration of democracy.

After all this, I deeply agree with Mátyas Kohán, who says that "a decent Hungarian-German relationship is not a facultative fad of perverted Germanophiles, but a cornerstone of the Hungarian future; without it, there will be neither economic neutrality nor anything else. Therefore, we cannot rest on the fact that the Hungarian Habibzti and the German cube-headedness jointly navigated this vital relationship so deep in the swamp. We are condemned to understanding and cooperation, if in the spirit of »will dich lieben und verdammen«, then so - it would be nice if everyone understood this. Budapest is calling Berlin, Berlin should apply! Wahnsinn, Blödsinn, Schwachsinn, what is going on here, and someone urgently needs to press the big red reset button" - so in agreement with this and with this in mind, we still send a message to Julia Gross that...

And now comes the German version of Gyalog galopp, i.e. one of the iconic scenes of the iconic film, transposed from the English and French version to the German-Hungarian version:

"Stupid Germans! German fools! We are not afraid of you, you German dirty pig! Your mother was a hamster, your father was a dung curd with a seal mustache! Get out of here already, because for God's sake I'm going to say something unpleasant!"

Well, that's about it. Julia Gross watch the movie. It will be banned soon anyway. And the next time we run into each other in Kazakhstan, say hello in advance and pay for a vodka. And from there, in the middle of a lot of apologies, go home and send someone else in your place, with whom we can finally talk sensibly.

The entire article can be read in Magyar Nemzet!

Featured image: Civilek.info/Péter Mészáros