... and he is only a prime minister, not the charismatic leader of a sect outside parliament. Péter Magyar poured out on the public media, but barely three thousand people were interested in the séance. An on-the-spot report befitting the seriousness of the situation follows.

The gathered crowd of barely three thousand watch the News, which is sometimes interrupted by chants and not-so-meaningful speeches. Speaking of the demonstration, Péter Magyar wants to read out his 16-point demand live on public television, so that his children and grandchildren can live in a better Hungary. You can read our coverage.

According to on-site reports, Kunigunda utca was full, which is a serious achievement, I think it is still a whole street, with pavement and asphalt. The demonstration was opened by Ervin Nagy, who told about his persecution, but reassured everyone that they needn't be afraid, as the Tisza is flowing. Comedian after actor:

According to Bruti, there are just as many people as in the Peace March, who are dark anyway. Then he made a bet that the public television would not report on the demonstration, they turned it on to the projector, where after some commercials they watched the public television clips of the demonstration.

The author of these lines connected to the live broadcast at the right time when a fan of Péter Magyar living in Austria explained that public television should follow the Austrian model, where politicians are invited to public television according to parliamentary proportions.

According to them, the extremely smart young man was oblivious to the fact that the Tisza Party has exactly zero representatives in the Hungarian Parliament.

After all the better topics abroad, the retired comedian Nagy Bandó took to the stage and demanded that the Danube television broadcast the Tisza live. He didn't mean it as a joke, but he really wants to watch Péter Magyar on television all day, Facebook and TikTok are not enough for him. In addition, he shared innovative ideas with Kunigunda Street, according to which there is a dictatorship, and Balázs Orbán surrendered to the attacking Russian troops, and he praised Péter Magyar at length, who exposed corruption.

After the humorist, there was another actor, István Kátai from Székelyföld, who complained that everything in Transylvania is controlled by Fidesz, the Romanians would give them much more freedom, only Orbán oppresses them.

The humor dried up, actor after actor came, Ervin Nagy repeated. This time he read a letter from a fan from the highlands, who reported that the young people there are smart, their eyes sparkle and read Telex, but the old people are Fidesz because they only watch public TV.

Finally, a professional, Balázs Nagy Navarro, the former foreign policy editor and trade union leader of the public television, took the stage to say: everything was better in the past. After a long scolding of the current management and operation of the public media, he asked his audience not to let it go. What is interesting is that he contradicted András Nagy Bandó, according to whom independent and objective TV is needed, not Tisza TV. But the point is that it confirmed the suspicion: the Tisza is flowing, the Danube is flowing, they are not afraid, they will not leave, they will sweep the system away. During Navarro's presentation, he did not fail to criticize the old left, who supervise public television. He specifically mentioned Olga Kálmán as someone who had not previously reported on a demonstration.

Former TV personality after former TV personality came, Zsuzsa Incze, the head of Csellengők, talked about the fact that TV should deal with children and families, but her program was canceled, even though it was very useful.

After recalling the past, Péter Magyar jumped on stage to announce Ákos Hadházy, who this time dealt with propaganda in shoes. After admitting that he was not a good speaker, he performed the Confused Prophet. He talked about something like new politicians should be new politicians, not old politicians, and these are simple things that no one understands, but more and more people understand, and this can be achieved if there are enough, and they are enough, peacefully and determinedly , also definitely.

After Ákos Hadházy, humor once again took center stage: Zoltán Tarr spoke about how Fidesz treats women badly.

After tarr came music. While the revolutionary parade was going on, the audience could watch the empty stage, with the slogan probably invented by Róbert Puzsér, according to which "the time of soulless servants and profiteers is over. Puzsér's historical knowledge is based on István, the King. it consists of a rock opera, and the soulless servants and profiteers are from there.

After the students, the master came, and Péter Magyar finally started scolding the public television. He was hooked on Petőfi, like rock opera was on Puzsér, so he immediately declared that the sea, the sea of ​​peoples, had risen. Then he listed the settlements from which they came to love him in Kunigunda, and he also thanked the entire Hungarian nation for loving him elsewhere as well.

Going into specifics, he stated that public television should not only entertain, but also teach and educate, and everything was better in the past. Ablak and his companions were very good shows, he liked them. Now they broadcast propaganda in Chinese and Russian out of 140 billion a year. In addition to his editing suggestions, his grievances were also revealed, most notably the fact that he was not invited to do a monodrama for more than 200 days, even though he is the leader of the largest opposition party. Bezzeg Orbán is always called in, even though he is only a prime minister, not the charismatic leader of a sect outside the parliament.

After some chanting, Magyar formulated his expectations for the public media and Orbán, and told what the prime minister should talk about the next time he visits. The order consists of the following items: everything is crap, the euro is expensive, there is no toilet paper in the hospital, his father is mining stone for railway construction. In addition, he also challenged Orbán to a debate, which he says people living in extreme poverty are already looking forward to.

He made his demands not only to Orbán, but also to Dániel Papp. He demanded a live broadcast and reading, and that he come out to the people. He then confirmed that they were not afraid. Then he threatened that if the head of the public television didn't come out, they would go in and get him out.

It's sad, but our newspaper, PestiSrácok.hu, acted like Comrade Bástya, they don't even want to kill us anymore. From the Index to the tabloids, he listed everyone as the evil lie factories of the Rogán machine, which he will tear down journalist by journalist, force him to his knees, he did not even deserve an ordinary lie.

As an unexpected twist, Péter Magyar presented the war plan he had drawn up. They will minimize the propaganda so that they don't watch it, which will obviously destroy the public media that they don't watch. But he wants to go in to read out his demands, but you're not allowed to watch anymore. He asked the audience to tell others about his idea, so that no one accidentally turns on the TV.

After chanting, he switched to chanting, surprisingly he recited Petőfi in connection with Balázs, for some reason he came to mind again. He also blurted out that his sign must have been a white flag in the kindergarten, and with that he could tell Bruti that this was the way to joke. After Petőfi, his other favorite, the Egri stars, also appeared, fortunately he only quoted Dobó's oath, he did not want to pour hot soup over the security guards protecting the public media.

Free advice: it doesn't hurt if someone reads books even after finishing elementary school, it can also be useful when dating girls, because they like guys who are not aggressive, but intelligent.

For Péter, this is zero out of two. He said so much that it was enough that he finally finished his speech, which was even more incoherent and meaningless than usual. Oh, no, Dániel Papp is threatening him again, because he forgot that he wants to read out his demands and hold daily country evaluations from now on. It's over anyway, he started for the entrance. And the audience "Let me in!" he cheers with emotion.


I can't stand this anymore without heart palpitations. The messiah first went in to beat up the kuffars on public television, then came out to tell them they weren't allowed in. Instead of anointing him as editor-in-chief, they gave him a statement in which they explained that they would continue to count on him, just like the other opposition figures, if they were willing to finally get tired of one show at a time. He then read out his 16-point demand, which 444.hu summarized in 15 points so that we don't have to deal with him:

• abolish the "140 billion propaganda factory" and restore real public media,

• replace CEO Dániel Papp with immediate effect,

• rationalize the public media budget, eliminate waste,

• restore the independent, independent Hungarian Telegraph Office,

• dismiss the leaders of the National Media and Communications Authority and select new leaders on a professional basis,

• restore equal political supervision over public media,

• representatives of the parties are invited to the public media in proportion to the results of the most recent national elections, under the same conditions,

• do not list and block those who think differently politically and from a worldview,

• abolish the Ministry of Propaganda and stop funding government propaganda,

• there should be consequences if a press product is constantly ordered to be corrected by the court,

• stop Russian and Chinese news programs broadcasting propaganda and the "News in a minute" program broadcast during sports programs,

• the public media should restore the regional studios,

• news editing should be independent from "the Karmelita Palace",

• present all areas of diverse culture regardless of ideology and political affiliation,

• be an independent, fair, professionally demanding public media that provides real information.


Featured image: Péter Magyar's demonstration in front of the MTVA / Photo: Balázs Hatlaczki