Péter Pjotr-Petrovics (alias Péter Magyar, the reincarnation of Béla Kun) just doesn't step into someone who doesn't even exist. A real democrat, it doesn't matter to him whether he's right-wing or left-wing, statuary is the point.

As you can imagine, ATV is not our heart's desire. We do not like their anti-liberal Bolshevik stance, their blindness and deafness to reality, their hostility towards Christian-conservative ideas, that is, their entire program structure and the spirit of their broadcasts.

It is understandable that we are not fans of those who lead their programs sinking into the depths of Olga Kálmán, and those who immediately cancel the program at the first manifestation that seems even a little pro-government in any of their broadcasts, or at least classify as undesirable what they do not like opinion maker and banish him from their studios under the grass.

I don't like, we don't like Györgyi Szöllősi either, who inherited from Olga Kálmán mentioned above not only the leadership of her program Egyenes beszéd, but also the basic position of her poorly remembered predecessor.

We don't like it, but now we still have to say: Get rid of Györgyi Szöllősi!

For those who don't know why we consider it our professional and human obligation to stand up for the ATV presenter, here is the reason, in short.

The leader of the Tisza party, who lies even in his sleep, has a particularly arrogant, pompous, palm-crawling style, is infinitely cowardly and sneaky, the eternal gigolo (i.e. persisted), the villain who abuses his wife and girlfriend at the same time, did not like the fact that Szöllősi left with her husband instead of being outraged. our politician would have been in a hurry to sign the sign before the MTVA, which is completely pointless. As usual, he attacked our colleague in a rude post, who, according to him, "just went to some exotic island, like a normal journalist who is concerned about the independence of the media".

Come on, did you steal that idea too, Petrovich?

It seems as if Enikő Eszenyi, who, by the way, cannot be accused of pro-government, was held accountable in the same way for not going to a sympathy demonstration near the Katona József Színház and Péter Gothár. Libsi's colleagues incited their one-bit, brain-dead followers in the same way as Petrovic did with his post. Although they were different in that the actress was heckled after a performance, during the applause line, so it can be concluded that they at least had some brains, because they went to the theater and not to Vengersky's pointless demonstrations.

God's zoo is big, it can even fit an old man as big as this Petrovic.

You are a traitor to our country, what right does he have to the privacy of a journalist? What does it have to do with where a presenter spends his vacation? Or are you envious that Györgyi traveled to Bali with his partner because they have loved each other for 30 years and want to celebrate that?

Peersz, since you have nothing to celebrate in this regard.

In our profession, unfortunately, a long relationship is a rare bird. All respect to those who do not belong to the camp of those who change their partners, all our respect to Györgyi Szöllősi. Even if we don't agree with him on anything. But we would stand by him even if he himself were the leader, because the journalist's private life is taboo! His family has nothing to do with what he represents or where he belongs.

The family is sacred and inviolable! Of course, only for those who don't terrorize their partner in a dirty way, don't eavesdrop on them secretly like an ÁVH prib and don't intimidate their partner even once.

We know that Pyotr-Petrovics does not have these virtues either. On the contrary, he threw his family in front of the hyenas, supposedly just to protect them. You just don't know from whom.

Or to know. He should have protected them by himself.

We don't like the ATV, but even then, we stand with Györgyi Szöllősi wholeheartedly. And with all colleagues, be they right-wing or left-wing. None of their family lives belong to anyone, not even this unscrupulous scoundrel.

Petrovich, hide from our families in the...Tisza corner!

György Tóth Jr

Cover image: Péter Magyar, the president of the Tisza Party (center) at the party's demonstration in front of the MTVA headquarters in Óbuda on October 5, 2024.
Source: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd