Orbán's speech was interrupted by a DK activist. Ferenc Gyurcsány indicated on his social media page that he was proud of his activist.

At the press conference presenting the program of the Hungarian presidency, Viktor Orbán said that the situation of the European Union is much more serious than it was in 2011 during the first Hungarian presidency of the EU.

His speech was interrupted by a DK activist. Márton Gyekiczki, the local representative of the Democratic Coalition in Érd, tried to shout at the prime minister, but he did not succeed because he was arrested and led away.

It turned out that Klára Dobrev gave him the entrance to the European Parliament building. Márton Gyekiczki is the same DK activist who also ran afoul of Kötcs. Ferenc Gyurcsány indicated on his social media page that he was proud of his activist, M1 News reported.

After the press conference, Viktor Orbán took stock on his social media page:

"Today's balance in Strasbourg: 1 international press conference, 130 journalists, 29 questions, 1 more DK pojáca."

Source: hirado.hu / M1

Cover photo: The incident at Viktor Orbán's press conference (Photo: Sándor Csudai / Magyar Nemzet)