According to newspaper reports, the young son of the actress Nóra Sallai died more than a week after a serious car accident.

At the end of September, it was revealed that actress Nóra Sallai and her young son suffered a serious car accident when another vehicle crashed into them at high speed. The former star of Good and Bad underwent a life-saving intervention, the child had to be resuscitated on the spot.

Nóra Sallai's little son died

Last week, the Pest County Police Headquarters spoke about the proceedings for the crime of negligently causing a road accident. Blikk , it turned out that the investigation is already underway in the case of an accident causing death, Femina observed.

"In response to your inquiry, I am informing you that the traffic police department of the Dabasi Police Department is currently investigating the circumstances of the accident with the involvement of experts due to the negligent cause of a fatal road accident," the communications department said.

The newspaper writes that since the 44-year-old Nóra Sallai is in a critical condition and is still undergoing the directed blood donation that was started for her, the death may refer to the actress's five-year-old son, Bendé. Since the two young people in the BMW that caused the accident only suffered limb injuries, and their condition has been stable since then, the tragedy could have happened in the other car.

– The little boy had to be revived on the spot, the mother also needed life-saving interventions. Both of them were transported to the hospital in a life-threatening condition - Pál Győrfi, the spokesperson of the National Rescue Service, told Tények.

It is known that a 21-year-old man was driving the car, which was traveling at high speed, and an 18-year-old man was traveling next to him - the younger one was more seriously injured.

The news of the tragedy shook the country, especially the world of actors. Nóra Sallai's actor colleague, Peti Puskás, had harsh words for those who caused the fatal accident on his Facebook page.

The killer of Nóra Sallai's little son may get years

Nóra Sallai and her five-year-old son suffered a serious car accident in Alsónémedi on September 27. The actress and her child were traveling in a gray Opel and were just turning off a side street onto Haraszti út. However, the driver of the BMW driving there was traveling at such a speed that he tried in vain to pull the steering wheel away when he noticed the turning vehicle, so he hit it with great force. As a result of the impact, the actress's Opel overturned, and she and her little son were trapped in the wreckage of the car.

In connection with the case, Dr. József Lichy also spoke, according to whom the killer of Nóra Sallai's little son could face a heavy prison sentence.

According to the current situation, the act caused the death of one person, the penalty for this is imprisonment of up to 1-5 years, however, serious health deterioration must have occurred in the case of the other person as well, which is ordered to be punished by 1-3 years under the Civil Code. Since we are talking about a two-degree offense here, the upper value of the original sentence will increase as a cumulative sentence, and of course it will also have an influence on the sentence if the classification is changed to two-degree murder.

As a collective punishment, the court can impose imprisonment of up to 1-7.5 years.

You cannot get away with this crime with a suspended prison sentence, based on my practical experience, the actually imposed prison sentence will be around 3-3.5 years," explained Dr. József Lichy for .

Photo: Ringier archive / TV2