AUR senator Ionuț Neagu would Romanize Bálványos. Although Bálványos is a well-known brand at home and abroad, the father-in-law from Tříszék wants Bálványos to be called Bălvăniș from now on, writes Maszol .

The newspaper drew attention to the fact that the father-in-law of the Triumvirate - who became a senator four years ago with great luck, by redistributing the votes from the basket - filed his application on September 24th, and the social and economic committee of the Senate received the receipt on October 4th. seal.

In the petition - which Neagu signed with seven other AUR politicians - the initiator wants the local name Bálványos to be translated, because it is "foreign", Romanians pronounce it as Balvanioș.

Mayor Attila Daragus called the senator's actions shameful.

"We and others have been working for 50-60 years to make Bálványos a well-known name, we have built a brand around it. It is enough to mention the free university from here, or the various gastronomic festivals. Goulash soup or kürtőskalács have already been translated into other languages ​​and we all know what the result was," he gave an example, stressing that they are against the name change.

Senator Ödön László Fejér told the paper that the RMDSZ will do everything to prevent this initiative from entering into law.

Bálványos is a brand known at home and abroad, you can't play with it"

he said. The paper also learned from the senator that although the upper house's social and economic committee met on Monday, Neagu's draft was not included in the folder. The politician knows that it is possible to put it on the table until the end of October.

Cover image: Illustration /ázs Borsi