In order to shake cultural Christianity, the church must be attacked in the first place, and Soros has the means, or more precisely his organizations, for this, writes the analysis of the Firewall Group.

In recent years, we have closely followed all the activities with which the Soros empire clearly attempted to undermine Western society. This includes supporting illegal migration, spreading LGBTQ ideology and forcing it on children, and undermining Christianity in a cultural sense, which is the basis of Western (including Europe and North America) civilization. The current paper of the Firewall Group deals with the latter.

Before addressing these, it is considered important to state: the position of the Catholic Church (and many other Christian denominations, which are not highlighted separately), based on the Holy Scriptures, is that the sinner should be loved and the sin should be rejected. That is why Christians are not homophobes, transphobes and haters, since they do not have a problem with homosexuals, transgenders or other persons belonging to the "LGBTQ category", but the phenomenon itself is contrary to the order of the created world.

They consider it important to make this distinction, since the goal of the NGOs mentioned in the article - more precisely, George Soros through them - is to incorporate the LGBTQ ideology into the Christian faith, or rather to change it in the direction corresponding to the secular course.

Not so long ago, in 2021, the very first (and since then only) "Rainbow Index of European Churches" study was published, which ranks 46 churches in 32 countries according to how inclusive they are towards the LGBTQ community. Regarding the Catholic Church, according to the survey, the church in Germany is the most open (to this day), but to our surprise, Italy, which is still considered more conservative, was in fifth place (17th based on all the churches surveyed).

The initiative was spearheaded by the so-called "European LGBTI Christian Forum", which is specifically supported by the György Soros Open Society Foundation. The aforementioned grouping is a member organization of the Sorosist ILGA, and the creation of the index was supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, the World Mission Council and the ever-present Open Society, financed by György Soros. The Forum involved researchers from the Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam in compiling the study's data.

According to the organization's own definition, the European LGBTI Christian Forum is an ecumenical association of European LGBTI+ Christian groups, with forty member organizations from twenty countries. It aims to achieve equality and inclusion of LGBTI people within and through Christian churches, with the help of other religious bodies and multilateral organizations. The European Forum works for religious freedom, the human rights and dignity of LGBTI people, and a positive discourse on human sexuality. The organization has observer status in the Council of Europe. According to the index's introduction, in addition to attempts to assert the rights of homosexuals over the past half century, "hostile behavior against LGBT people, including open persecution, has increased in many cases in Europe."

We can also read in it that "culture battles" have developed and that "religion plays a role in all of this". Furthermore, he states that "violent homophobia can be associated with almost every fundamentalist or traditionalist religious interpretation in the world".

Those of faith who believe that a bill is needed should note that references to "homophobia" are primarily directed against Scripture and the traditional teachings of the Church. Ergo, if we reverse the point of view, the NGOs fighting for LGBT rights continue to persecute Christians - writes the Tűzfal group, which by Magyar Nemzet .

Cover image: Source: Facebook