Serious millions of public money could have slipped into private pockets, the new mayor files a complaint.

In the last days of September, the outgoing leaders of the 1st district municipality paid each other about HUF 70 million in bonuses and severance pay, and the clerk ordered that the backups of the municipality's correspondence be deleted as well, announced László Böröcz, the new mayor of the 1st district, on Thursday.

The left-wing leadership of the 1st district has rewarded itself with dubious and non-transparent bonuses, and the last days of the mayorship of Márta V. Naszályi took place in the spirit of this, said the mayor of the 1st district, who also informed that on September 25, on the instructions of the mayor and clerk, 71 million forints were regrouped under their own authority so that they could pay bonuses and severance pay to the departing direct colleagues.

According to the announcement, no mention was made of this at the board meeting convened for September 26, and the mayor publicly denied that she had rewarded anyone. The handover documents handed over on October 1 do not include these payments either, but the trick was revealed:

the documents were closed on the morning of September 25, and some of the rewards were only transferred after that.

László Böröcz files a criminal complaint

The mayor said that on the first of October almost nothing could be learned from the handover documents, but afterwards it turned out that

HUF 71 million were regrouped on the afternoon of September 25 at the instruction of Márta V. Naszályi (Momentum-DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd-LMP-Jobbik-Várunk Egyesület) to her direct colleagues and circle, who otherwise resigned.

At the board meeting a day later, Márta V. Naszályi denied that any bonus had been paid in September.

According to the information provided by the municipality of the 1st district, Erzsébet Czukkerné Pintér, the former clerk of the Budavári Municipality, according to the documents, signed on September 18 - based on the attendance sheets from the home office - that she was leaving the office by mutual agreement. The mayor thanked the clerk for his "outstanding performance" with an 8-month bonus of HUF 16,160,000. The municipality has now highlighted that

the former clerk held his office for only one and a half years, during which time he received a total of 13 monthly bonuses, worth HUF 25 million.

The handover procedure following the election also shed light on another, at least as important matter, the new mayor emphasized that this was also included in the minutes: on September 24, the clerk amended the IT regulations and the next day instructed the IT technician in writing to delete all backup of the mails, but was not completely successful.

Even the office manager got a reward

The mayor announced that, in two years, Márta V. Naszályi's immediate circle, in addition to their salary, received nearly HUF 140 million under various legal titles. "An amazing amount of money was paid out by the left-wing leadership of the 1st district municipality." László Böröcz mentioned as an example that there were office managers who came to the municipality in the spring of 2023 and left at the end of September with a six-month bonus. In this way, HUF 10-15 million were borrowed in the past year and a half in addition to salaries.

According to the announcement, since the last backup of the municipal correspondence was made on August 28, the entire September correspondence of 14 outgoing managers and colleagues was deleted. Based on the evidence, the clerk backdated and re-dated documents so she could make the payments.

According to the documents, one office manager and his deputy were each given 6 months' bonuses on September 18, when their employment was terminated by mutual agreement with effect from October 1. The office manager has now received nearly HUF 10 million, and in just one and a half years at the municipality, he received a total of over HUF 16 million in bonuses. His deputy has now received HUF 7.5 million, and during his year and a half in District I, he received a total of HUF 12.5 million as a bonus.

László Böröcz also touched on the fact that there was another kind of sleight of hand: on September 25, one or another office manager was demoted to an administrator on the instructions of the clerk, since he did not accept this, according to the law, he had to be paid 12 months' severance pay.

"Additionally, there is an extra 2 months of grace period, which means HUF 18 million in total. The legal relationship of the employees of the mayor's cabinet was also terminated and they were paid more than HUF 10 million, and they were also exempted from work for 2 months."

According to the announcement, in the past year and a half, the clerk, the staff of the mayor's cabinet and other leaders - most of them had not worked here for even 2 years - took a total of HUF 110 million in rewards from the money of the district residents. According to the outgoing mayor, they performed excellently. Added to this is the HUF 30 million paid for the period of exemption and severance pay.

The circle of the ex-mayor - 14 people - was able to borrow an additional HUF 140 million in a short time in addition to her monthly salary.

László Böröcz also emphasized that, for all these reasons, the Budavári Municipality will file a criminal complaint, to which the office will submit all the relevant documents.


Featured image: Gergely Karácsony and Márta V. Naszályi at Ádám Clark Square. Source: Facebook/Gergely Kárcsony