Csángós, Székelys and the team of the Hungarian Parliament kicked the leather together in Csíkszentdomonks.

The football matches between the politicians of Székelyföld and the mother country can be traced back to almost 30 years ago, the event was expanded to three participants a few years ago, and the national team from Csangó was also invited.

Several teams in the first three leagues in Romania could envy the excellent turf of the grass field of the Buzánszky Jenő Football Center in Csíkszentdomokos, on which the teams played 2x30-minute matches, and professional referees from the motherland came to the meetings.

The results: Csángó national team–Székely national team 5–2, Hungarian Parliament–Csángó national team 4–1 and Székely national team–Hungarian Parliament 1–2. The final result of the tournament: 1. Hungarian Parliament 6 points (6–2), 2. Csángó national team 3 points (6–6), 3. Székely national team 0 points (3–7).

At the ceremonial opening, Róbert Karda, the mayor of Csíkszentdomokos, greeted the participants, thanking all those who contributed to the construction of the sports facility in Csíkszentdomokos for their support.

"I hope that we can enjoy this facility for many years, I hope that this tournament will keep its original purpose and will work in the long term. The hand extended to us by the Hungarian Parliament will always be met with a handshake and a thank you"

said the mayor of Csíkszentdomokos.

At the opening ceremony, the three national teams lined up on the field, then accompanied by the local brass band, they sang the Hungarian, Székely and Csángó national anthems, and the kick-off was performed by the Hungarian beauty queen Blága Tünde from Gyimesközéplo, Hidegség.

Dr. Péter Edvi, the founding president of the International Children's Rescue Service (NGYSZ), said that they love the people of Székely, they have been working together for 34 years now, and one of the common core of this is the joint football match, in which the people of Székely, Csangó and the team of the Hungarian Parliament.

"We really like coming here to Csíkszentdomokos, but I think the people of Székely and Csangó do too. We are getting older, and we are a little surprised to see that the Székely public figures, but also the Csangós, seem to be getting younger. They must know something that we don't, because we've gotten older every few years in the last thirty years, and they've gotten ten or twenty years younger, but maybe we can learn this trick from them. It was Jenő Buzánszky who came up with the idea of ​​organizing a soccer cup for the children.

We built this facility for the children, but we also use it once a year. We can say that we also have a good day in the shadow of the children. We are very proud of the csangos, the csangos did not exist much in public life. Our support paid off, because you can see that they suddenly won mayoral mandates in the last elections, they have 16 municipal representatives, so the change is very serious. Their self-awareness has also awakened, it's not a shame that they are Csángos" , emphasized Péter Edvi.

László Kövér, the president of the Hungarian Parliament, spoke during the break of the match and breathlessly said at first that - using one of the advertising slogans - this event is good because it rains well.

"We started these matches with the Székelys twenty-five years ago, and after a while the Csangós also joined. That's when the idea came, what would happen if Felvidék, Subcarpathia and South Region joined. This has been achieved, and we have already completed the fourth Hungarian Public Soccer Tournament in the Carpathian Basin, and this is an important small stone of national unity. Great national unity is made up of many such small stones"

– declared László Kövér on Csíkszentdomokos.


Featured image: Attila Pinti/SzékelySport