We have to return the faith of the Hungarian community in the highlands - said László Gubík, the new president of the Hungarian Association.

The political infighting of the past years and even decades left a painful mark on souls, minds and social conditions. It is not only the politician who needs to be put back on his feet, but also the faith of our community, we need to offer a vision and a mission to this part of the nation with half a million people - emphasized László Gubík, the newly elected president of the Upland Hungarian Association.

László Gubík highlighted that he considers it very honorable that Viktor Orbán also congratulated him on his election.

"I received the prime minister's letter as an extraordinary honor, in which Viktor Orbán mentions my two role models: János Esterházy and Miklós Duray, so I strongly feel the weight of the responsibility and the nobility and importance of the service entrusted to me by the delegates of the Hungarian embassy."

- explained László Gubík, who also shared the Prime Minister's letter on his social media page.

With all my strength and talent, I will try to fulfill this trying task for the growth of the universal Hungarian nation and within it the community of the Highlands and for the benefit of the Hungarian-Slovak relationship," said the newly elected leader of the Hungarian Association of the Highlands, who mentioned among the community's most important goals the construction of an attractive 21st-century political party with which Hungarians can return to national Slovak politics.

"We have to make them count with us again"

- explained László Gubík, who emphasized that politics is also about community building due to being a minority.

"We not only have to put the politician back on his feet, but

we also have to restore the faith of the Hungarian community in the highlands,

that the politician really serves his interests and is worthy of cooperating with them to give a vision of the future to this half-million-strong part of the nation," said the president of the association.

László Gubík mentioned the fragmentation of the community, the unfavorable demographic processes, and the lack of vision among the problems and questions of fate of the Hungarians in the highlands.

"Although now there is only one relevant Hungarian party left, but

the political infighting of the past years and even decades left a painful mark on souls, minds and social conditions.

We are talking about a shrinking community, the demographic processes are very unfavorable, as everywhere in the Carpathian Basin. The front line of the Hungarian community in the highlands failed to formulate the mission, vision and tasks for the 21st century. We have to make up for this with the cooperation of the politician and the community in order to get out of the pit and lift up the Hungarians in the highlands," he listed the tasks.

We also learned from László Gubík that the community has reached the threshold of a change of era, and that the presidency of the Hungarian Association consists mostly of young politicians in their thirties. The newly elected president believes that this in itself is a snappy answer to those who have already begun to bury the Hungarian politician from the highlands.

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Featured image: László Gubík/Facebook/Felvidek.ma