There is only a slim chance to repair the union, or rather not so much.

I can deeply identify with the last sentences of Viktor Orbán's introductory speech in Strasbourg. These were:

"The Hungarian presidency is looking for solutions to common European problems that are based on common sense. But we are not only looking for solutions, we Hungarians in the European Union are still looking for our dreams, the community of free and equal nations, the homeland of the Hungarians, the democracy of democracies. We are looking for a Europe that fears God and protects the dignity of people, and that besieges the peaks of culture, science, and spirit. We are members of the European Union not because it is, but because it could be. And as long as we see that we can make Europe what it could be, as long as there is even an iota of chance, we will fight for it. We in the Hungarian presidency are interested in a successful European Union, and I am convinced that the success of our presidency will be the success of the entire European Union. Let's make Europe great again."

The most important for me is:

"We are members of the European Union not because it is, but because it could be. And as long as we see that we can make Europe what it could be, as long as there is even an iota of chance, we will fight for it."

These words are unmistakable.

First of all: the European Union in its current state is not what it could be. This means that it has not fulfilled its basic principles and goals related to peace or prosperity for years. In addition: his attitude to the war is particularly disadvantageous for Europe, the sanctions are stupid, they are hurting the European economy.

The Brussels elite is apparently not committed to European citizens, but to the democratic administration of the United States.

The European Commission's Green Deal program is particularly harmful to European agriculture, especially to countries that are strong in agriculture and capable of exporting, such as Hungary.

In the background of this, the Brussels elite believes and accepts the scientifically completely disputed and, in my opinion, unfounded concept that global warming - which really exists - can be caused by human carbon dioxide emissions, and nothing else in the world, and this is adopted by world public opinion from the defunct UN organization, the IPCC, in Hungarian from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The main theses of the IPCC have been refuted on numerous occasions by the alternative international body Clintel, now comprising two thousand scientists, with scientific, well-founded arguments and advocated scientific debates.

However, there is no trace of them. Consequence: the European Union builds its green policy on a completely questionable, scientifically strongly debatable system of views, as a result of which it is nothing more than a house of cards that collapses at the first moment.

The EU elite, i.e. the European Central Bank previously led by Mario Draghi, submitted to the vision of the global Davos elite, and according to this they want to gradually remove cash from circulation in order to replace it with CBDC, i.e. the digital currency of Central Banks. which would work with the help of a card, mobile phone or possibly chips embedded in the body. By the way, China is at the forefront of this world-wide, but many central banks are seriously considering the withdrawal of cash.

The abolition of cash would mean the abolition of a basic human freedom. Where did the union go?

However, the Union is not opposed to the efforts of the specialized organization of the UN, the WHO - World Health Organization, which is about the WHO exercising rights over nation-states with pandemics, epidemics, as well as by making vaccines mandatory and other measures - we already know: unnecessary quarantine , curfew, mask use, etc. - in connection.

At the beginning of this year, the European Commission introduced the Digital Service Act, i.e. the Law on Digital Services, which at first sounds very good, but at the second, it is nothing more than the abolition of freedom of the press and expression of opinion.

When the EC says that its purpose is to eliminate the intentional spread of fake news, misinformation and manipulation, it means nothing more than to silence views and opinions that are contrary to the opinions and intentions of the liberal-globalist mainstream, the "legal" created by them - that is, made legal - by means.

The European Commission wants to achieve that if a bearded woman in one member state has declared herself a man, then all other member states must legally accept her and treat her as a man in relation to any administration, so even if she is a woman from a biological point of view, even if announces his marriage to another woman, he must be considered the husband, and if there is a child, he must be considered the father in all countries of the entire union. This also means the subjection of member states and nation-states to the law and the loss of sovereignty in this area.

The latest draft of the Brussels elite is to introduce the monitoring of all mobile phone calls, e-mails and all other Internet-based contact and information exchange made by European citizens under the protection of child pornography.

The seemingly noble goal, if realized, will be nothing more than the creation of a total Orwellian world in the union, total control over everyone's public and private life.

I won't continue, although I could.

I just wanted to present a few "modest" examples of why Viktor Orbán is right when he says that we are not still members of the union because it is a perfect and wonderful organization in which we find joy, which helps us for the common good. and in achieving freedom and independence.

But we are in it because we hope - and that's why we do everything - that the fundamentals of the union will change, and that a bureaucratic, centralized, rigid organization that has lost all the basic features of democracy, tolerance, and respect for the law will emerge as an alliance based on new, free and strong nations. created, say, under the name of the Confederation of Sovereign Nations.

Viktor Orbán's commitment to the union is particularly marked by his half-sentence that as long as there is even the slightest chance that the union can become a functional alliance that is sovereign in its own right and not dependent on superpowers and the global elite, we will do everything we can to make it so.

Well, I am not ashamed to say: there is really only a slim chance left to repair the union. How why?

Because in the next five years, the globalist mainstream will still be in power in the EU, both in the committee and in the parliament - we saw this clearly in Strasbourg last time - and, unfortunately, the sovereignists are not in the majority against the globalists in the European Council either. Of course, this ratio can improve in the coming years, especially perhaps in the ET, since the composition of the parliament is given, the committee is headed by a woman committed to the Davos elite, and the composition of commissioners will hardly be favorable to us, sovereignists.

The Patriots for Europe faction led by Orbán can and will continue to expand, but let's be realistic and not be detached from reality: such a change in the balance of power is unlikely to occur in the coming years that the sovereignist forces will become the majority in a year or two, which would create an opportunity for the patriots to completely transform the union. At the same time, of course, you have to fight for it with all your might!

On the other hand: the next five years are, unfortunately, the five years of the globalists, and the problem is that, in addition to the measures already listed above, they want to achieve with full force the creation of a total federalist United States of Europe. Mario Draghi's proposals are also about this, when he wants complete centralization and wants to abolish the institution of the veto. Not to mention the fact that he is pushing for another joint loan, which is why we call him Dear Mario - not in the endearing sense of the word, but in the financial sense.

Let's remember! Ferenc Gyurcsány was able to destroy Hungary in five years, between 2004 and 2009.

So we don't have five years.

In the European Council, we must initiate a complete and comprehensive, radical reform of the union, a loose alliance of free and sovereign states in the first half of this cycle. Of course, this requires alliances, and we have to work on this as well, but this is what the Patriots faction is for, and perhaps the sovereignist faction can be included here as well.

And if that doesn't work? If the Brussels elite wants to take away almost all of our sovereignty from us, if they use legal, political and financial means to destroy us in the next five years? Then…

Hungarian Nation