After Viktor Orbán mopped the floor with Manfred Weber last week, the EPP sent a message on social media. Tamás Menczer's answer did not take long either.

– Again, they want to tell us from abroad what kind of government Hungary should have! Manfred Weber, who is the main supporter of migration and war, wants to dictate - Tamás Menczer warned in his Facebook post. The communications director of the Fidesz-KDNP commented on the article in this way, which says that the European People's Party (EPP) published a picture on social media in which Viktor Orbán is walking outside against a red background, with the caption behind it: "Time to go."

A message was also attached to the picture, in which they wrote: "Hungary must be brought closer to Europe again and given a chance to repair the damage caused by bad leadership."

– Yesterday, Péter Magyar told us the price of Weber's support! National sovereignty must be renounced! That is, migrants must be allowed in, the pro-war parties must be joined, the taxes paid by the multis, the utility reduction must be abolished, and the 13th monthly pension must be taken away.

Only the Hungarian people can decide about Hungary! Let's protect Hungary during the national consultation! - said Tamás Menczer.

Péter Magyar used the help of Manfred Weber to maintain his immunity, who has long been an ill-wisher of Hungary, has attacked the Orbán government countless times, and is a front-runner in the withholding of EU funds due to our country. The Bavarian chairman of the European People's Party certainly expects the chairman of the Tisza Party in his faction to dance as he whistles in the future.

They mopped the floor with a Weber

Telex reminded him that the European People's Party already posted this picture on X last Wednesday, that is, the day Viktor Orbán spoke at the plenary session of the European Parliament.

It is no wonder that the European People's Party would have come down hard on Viktor Orbán, since the Prime Minister mopped the floor with Manfred Weber in the European Parliament last week.

- The president of the European People's Party claimed that no one talks to the Hungarians. This is a serious insult to everyone I have dealt with so far. The French president, the German chancellor, the Italian prime minister - do you think they are nobody? retorted Viktor Orbán.

Manfred Weber also spoke about how Fidesz failed in the EP elections. The Hungarian Prime Minister pointed out that Fidesz-KDNP received 45 percent of the votes in the EP elections, while the CDU-CSU received 30 percent of the votes in the Germans. "Who won then?" he asked the poetic question.

However, it probably hit home the best when Viktor Orbán pointed out that the leader of the European People's Party became Hungarian-phobic because he did not become the president of the European Commission in the end, in which the Hungarian prime minister played a significant role.

- Weber wanted to sit where Ursula von der Leyen is sitting now

he explained. He recalled that he would have supported Weber, but he said that he did not want to become committee chairman with the votes of the Hungarians. "It didn't happen," he concluded.

He also confronted Manfred Weber with the fact that, in the person of Péter Magyar, he hired a person who declared that "the EP representation is the biggest fake job". He pointed out that he clearly took up his mandate in order to be able to hide behind his immunity, and because of this, the president of the EPP is burdened with moral responsibility, Magyar Nemzet wrote .

Cover photo: European People's Party (EPP) Facebook