The latest presentation of the National Theater was a huge success on Saturday, staged by Attila Vidnyánszky, together with co-director and choreographer Zoltán Zsuráfszky. The audience of the premiere tearfully and laughingly applauded the story of the proud gypsy boy and the beautiful gypsy girl: Tamás Szárka's melodies based on authentic gypsy music, the dynamic choreography, the impressive stage spectacle and the dramatic acting.

On the evening of September 12, the premiere of the performance "Dawn" took place at the National Theatre, Origo reported .

I think tonight was one of Hungary's greatest theatrical movements

- said Tamás Szarka, the composer of the premiere of "Dawn" after yesterday's premiere.

Perhaps this play is a rebirth for us, the beginning of a new beginning

- said Attila Vidnyánszky, the general director of the National Theatre.

The artists of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble and the Karaván Theatre, renowned Roma musicians such as Ernő Babindák, Nándor Szajkó, Zoltán Baranyi and Mendi Milán, performers of the Capital City Grand Circus, and students of the Baross Imre Artista- and Performing Arts Academy took part in the performance.

The play deals with basic ancient topos: birth, death, love. The cohesion that could be felt from the first moment during the rehearsal process is incredible. I hope this piece is the beginning of some very important community building

- said Oszkár Nyári, head of the Karaván Theater and Art Foundation.

Zsuzsa Zs. Vincze is the co-dramaturg-choreographer of the show, the scenery is the work of Péter Galambos, the costumes were designed by Krisztina Berzsenyi. The production was assisted by Gábor Vida as assistant director. The audience of the National Theater can watch the performance in alternating casts during the season.

evening dawn national theatre

Photo: Zsuzsa Szkárossy /

Maxim Gorky's first story, published in print in 1892, Makar Chudra, which tells a tragic love story with a romantic tone, is one of the famous Russian writer's most popular prose works, on the basis of which several adaptations have been made.

The most well-known of these is the musical feature film "A gypsy camp goes to the sky", directed by Emil Loteanu, which was shown with great success in 1976, and has been one of the most watched works of Soviet cinema ever since. The theme of the painful contrast between love and freedom has long occupied Tamás Szarka, the legendary poet-composer of the band Ghymes, who composed many songs inspired by Gorky's story.

According to his wording, the gypsy ballad he wrote "is about two beautiful, strong and proud people, whose desire for freedom is so strong that they cannot stand the most beautiful bond in the world and would rather die."

This piece will sweep the country

said Péter Fekete, director of the National Circus Arts Center.

Cover photo: Zsuzsa Szkárossy /