An Iranian migrant in Germany, who had committed several violent crimes before the attack, tried to kill several people, but the police let him go several times. 

There are at least 27 different identities within the EU for the man who set fire to and killed people outside a cinema in Krefeld, Germany. According to the newspaper Bild, the migrant, who first arrived in Germany in 2002, had committed several violent crimes immediately before the attack, but was released by the police several times.

Two days before his rampage, the migrant had gone on a rampage at the immigration office near the cinema and threatened an employee because he refused to issue him a tolerated residence permit based on a false identity. In his rage, the man also attacked a gas station attendant next door.

According to Herbert Reul, Christian Democrat Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, the perpetrator was considered mentally ill. However, the politician could not explain why the unpredictable and violent Iranian is still at large. By the way, the police shot the attacker after the assassination, Magyar Nemzet reports.

Cover Image: Illustration - MTI/EPA/Keystone/Michael Buholzer