According to the British paper, the United States of America can develop the Hungarian Defense Force's air base in Kecskemét into a forward air base, and the article even mentions that F-15 fighter bombers carrying nuclear weapons could be based in our country, specifying the type of weapon of mass destruction carried, the Magyar Nemzet reported.

There was no request from the United States of America to store nuclear weapons in Hungary! It is not possible to import nuclear weapons without the consent of the Hungarian government and the Parliament.

The government did not grant such permission and does not plan to grant such permission in the future either!

- the Ministry of Defense responded to the Hungarian Nation regarding the fact that, according to The Telegraph's article the United States can develop the Kecskemét air base within the framework of the European Defense Initiative, where American aircraft capable of delivering nuclear weapons can also be stationed.

Citing procurement contracts, the British newspaper reports that F-15 Eagle, A-10 Warthog and C-5 Galaxy aircraft may arrive at the air base that hosts Hungarian Gripen and cargo aircraft. The paper mentions that the US Air Force previously stationed F-15 and F-16 fighter jets in Hungary, but not on a permanent basis. Fighter planes belonging to the US Air Force or the US Navy used the airfield, which is home to the Army's Combat Aviation Brigade, during exercises or flyovers.

According to The Telegraph, the modernization of the Kecskemét base is part of a plan to strengthen NATO's eastern wing due to the risk posed by Russia. In the paper's article, it is also indicated that the F-15s that may be deployed in Hungary also include nuclear weapons.

The article with further details by CLICKING HERE !

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