The European Civil Cooperation Council will hold its fifth meeting on the weekend of October 25 and 26 with the theme of "Patriotic spiritual defenders for Europe". Intellectual patriots from 17 countries will participate in a meeting, at which Gál Kinga, the first vice-president of the Patriots for Europe group, and Václav Klaus, the second president of the Czech Republic, will also speak. The members of the organization firmly believe that (strong) nations cannot exist without patriotism, and the European Union cannot exist without nations - said László Csizmadia, the head of CÖF-CÖKA, which launched EuCET, at the press conference held before the start of the conference.

CÖF-CÖKA founded the European Civil Cooperation Council in 2017. We will hold our fifth meeting on October 25 and 26.

The original goal of the CÖF-CÖKA is to preserve the idealism of the people's majesty, to follow true democracy and the rule of law with the strength of civil courage. We summarized this in our slogan, borrowed from István Széchenyi: "Nothing about us without us".

The foundation of EuCET made it possible to expand our relations internationally. Foreign associations and foundations joined us. We can report that

Spiritual patriots from 17 countries are participating in our meeting, our motto is: "Patriotic spiritual patriots for Europe".

Based on our belief, these values ​​to be protected include, above all, patriotism, that is, the idea of ​​a deep and sacred commitment to the nation, which as a solid foundation encourages citizens to make sacrifices for their national community. According to what we believe, the homeland is not just a geographical place, but the altar of identity, honor and common ideals, and the strength and (successful) future of a nation lies in the loyalty of its citizens.

We firmly believe that (strong) nations cannot exist without patriotism, and the European Union cannot exist without nations.

At the same time, the idea of ​​sovereignty as a value to be protected is also manifested in the economic field. In our opinion, strong, independent economies are the key to the well-being not only of individual nations, but of Europe as a whole. Europe and its nations can only remain competitive if they are able to operate their economies according to their own interests, free from external influences, whether ideological or power-related.

EuCET's partner organizations also agree that the history, traditions and culture of every European nation are valuable in themselves, and as a result, the European Union must respect the diverse national identities of its member states.

Different national identities do not weaken, but on the contrary, strengthen our community.

We believe that the national identity of the states that make up Europe - and also our common European culture - have merged with the Judeo-Christian values ​​that shaped the moral and spiritual foundations of our continent for centuries. These values ​​provide the framework in which European peoples can live in peace and cooperation.

According to our conscience, we proclaim that the traditional family based on the marriage of a man and a woman is not only the cornerstone of the nation, but of the entire European community, and at the same time the guarantee of its future.

The Union can only remain strong and prosperous if it supports families, protects Jewish-Christian family values,

thereby guaranteeing that future generations can grow up in a stable society.

We do not hide the fact that we want to put the activities of the European Parliament and the European Commission under scrutiny. In this work, we wish to rely on the third strongest faction of the European Parliament. We hope to conclude a strategic agreement with the Patriots for Europe faction. With civil courage and joint work, we want to achieve the goal of having the most populous faction in the European Parliament.

I would like to mention here that it is a pleasure for us that the first vice president of the faction, Mrs. Kinga Gál, is honoring our community with her presence and presentation.

We also respectfully thank Mr. Václav Klaus, the second president of the Czech Republic, for his expected and certainly instructive presentation.

The participants arriving in Budapest agree on the Final Statement to be issued to the media and deliver it for publication at the end of the meeting.

It is more and more likely that we can become a community with legal personality with several European associations and foundations this year, with headquarters in Budapest. From this, we expect that our joint work will make the realization of our ideas to be pursued with the Union's institutional system more effective.

We hope that our ideas and what we have to say will help the future of the "Europe of Nation States".

We do all this for the sake of civil society and based on our responsibility towards future generations.

Panel discussions:

  • Polish rule of law situation
  • The role of trade unions as civil society in EU decision-making
  • The situation of conservative youth today
  • Europe in the shadow of gender vokeism
  • External and internal attacks on national identity


  • Kinga Gál is the first vice-president of the Patriots for Europe group
  • Václav Klaus, the second president of the Czech Republic - award ceremony
  • Henri Malosse is the honorary president of the Belgian Vocal Europe
  • Massimiliano Ferrari is the advisor for international affairs of the Italian League Party
  • Lorenzo Bernasconi is a representative of the Italian Center for Machiavelli Studies
  • Pawel Czubik is a judge of the Polish Supreme Court
  • Gian Luigi Ferretti is the international leader of the Italian UGL trade union
  • Alexander Lettner is the executive director of the Austrian Ring Freiheitliche Studenten
  • Henk Jan van Schothorst is a board member of the Dutch-American Christian Council International
  • Mike Calamus is the president of Konservatiivn Eesti and the European Freedom Fund INC

Closing speech:

Dr. Zoltán Lomnici Jr. is the Secretary General of EuCET

Cover image:

The full press release can be viewed here: