The government's clear goal is for Hungary to avoid an economic cold war, pointed out jr. Zoltán Lomnici in connection with the Prime Minister's statement on economic neutrality.

Viktor Orbán called Brussels' decisions an "economic cold war", as they threaten the Hungarian export-oriented economy. The prime minister is mainly concerned about the planned punitive tariffs on China, as they may hinder our country's trade. The head of government emphasized that Hungary strives for economic neutrality, avoiding joining the blocs, he recalled. Zoltán Lomnici.

The Prime Minister believes that this year's growth of 1-1.5-1.8 percent can be raised to between 3 and 6 percent next year with economic neutrality

- pointed out the scientific director of Századvég. He then pointed out that the government's clear goal is for Hungary to avoid an economic cold war, as it is important to maintain global economic relations.

Preserving the core of economic sovereignty is essential, and this is clearly indicated by the fact that the European Commission (EC) and the IMF

by the year 2025, the growth of the Hungarian economy is expected to be at the forefront of the EU, and even credit rating agencies, which from time to time consider political aspects instead of facts, clearly predict Hungary's prospects as positive and stable

- emphasized the expert.

The IMF's expectations published this year also confirm all of this, because by 2025, Hungarian GDP growth of 3.3 percent is predicted, even compared to other countries in the region. economy, that in the meantime, the IMF predicts only a very modest economic expansion of 1.3 percent in Germany, which accounts for a quarter of our foreign trade, said jr. Zoltán Lomnici. He then highlighted:

maintaining neutrality is therefore crucial not only from an economic point of view, but also from a strategic point of view, as it ensures stability and economic growth in a globally volatile period.

It is better to stay out of the European foreign policy based on hostile propaganda, which incites arms and a war spirit, and which is also expressed in economic and cultural isolation, and which is now really Cold War-like, as much as possible, because through economic neutrality, Hungary can even be one of the biggest winners in the coming years - the academic director.

He added: The creation of Hungary's true economic neutrality can be achieved by not choosing economic partners and investors on a false, arbitrary, ideological basis.

Maintaining relations in an increasingly complicated trade environment enables economically neutral countries, including our country, to attract investments and diversify their economic partnerships, stressed Mr. Zoltán Lomnici.

The expert also pointed out that one of Viktor Orbán's main goals is to expand commercial activity towards both the western and southern economic blocs, as well as the Chinese-Russian dominated economic blocs, and to strengthen the Hungarian economy through infrastructure and individual by developing industrial capacities.

The options for the policy of economic neutrality ensure that Hungary flexibly adapts to global market changes, thus avoiding excessive dependence on EU measures, which can hinder growth, he emphasized.

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Court of Justice, said that for her the support of Ukraine is at the top of her priorities, which was applauded by several people, including Péter Magyar.

Von der Leyen proudly announced that Ukraine needs significant political, military and financial support, and as part of this, Brussels is providing the war-torn country with a loan of 35 billion dollars as part of the fifty billion dollar support offered by the G7, the expert explained. He added: it appears that the left-liberal majority of the European Parliament (EP), supplemented by the European People's Party (EPP), is in favor of financing and prolonging the war.

On the other hand, Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian government have repeatedly voiced and confirmed their pro-peace position since the outbreak of the war, and have repeatedly offered Hungary to mediate between the parties.

indicated jr. Zoltán Lomnici. He added:

In Brussels, they do not have the interests of the European people in mind, but want to serve the global economic elite, as well as try to realize their own federalist goals. This is the reason why left-wing governments and EU leaders do not ask people's opinions about migration or LGBTQ propaganda that endangers children. However, the Hungarian government regularly asks for the opinion of citizens against this practice.

Serious challenges can be expected for Europe if it does not return to the path of "common sense" and continues to give in to migration, gender ideology, and other destructive processes and trends, he stated. He then pointed out: large-scale migration can create demographic, social and economic tensions, while gender ideology can create deep social divisions, undermining traditional values ​​and family models.

For Hungary, the difficulties appear in a different form, since the national, civilian government resists these political ideologies, which in turn means a tough fight against the globalist left and the political pressure of Brussels, said the expert.

He emphasized: Hungary can expect continuous pressure, such as proceedings for breach of obligations, as well as convictions fueled by political motivation, which are already affecting the country.

These proceedings and judgments are often without a legal basis and at the same time absurd, since Brussels wants to impose a policy on Hungary that violates national sovereignty, he added.

Today, Brussels does not tolerate the sovereign national position at all, in fact it specifically seeks to suppress it, and to this end, certain Western interests clearly want to position the left-wing opposition - and its leading force, Péter Magyar's party - in the parliamentary elections in 2026, even if Hungary joins the EU also through significant deprivation of resources - said jr. Zoltán Lomnici.