András Fekete-Győr would replace the government at the head of a foundation stuffed with foreign subsidies.

András Fekete-Győr, who lost his parliamentary mandate, will not remain without work. He was convicted by the court last week for throwing a smoke grenade at policemen during a demonstration in 2018.

After the verdict, the former president of Momentum announced: as the president of the party's foundation, he will continue his work of overthrowing the government, namely by importing the Warsaw model.

The Firewall Group took the Indítsuk be Magyarországot Foundation under scrutiny, and

not surprisingly, they found foreign sponsors, increased staff numbers, and payments.

The foundation's 2023 report revealed, among other things, that the number of employees increased from two to twelve from 2022 to 2023.

They received HUF 193 million from the central budget, from Hungarian taxpayers. And surprisingly, HUF 90 million of this was accounted for as "personal expenses". Of this, senior officials received an amount of nine million forints, which was "only" six million forints the previous year.

In the annual report, there is a table of "expenditures", which clearly illustrates that the momentaries are not tight-fisted when it comes to spending public money.

The almost 400 percent increase in personal expenses is clearly visible

– can be read in the analysis of the Firewall Group. As written, there is a section on the foundation's website where you can partially learn who supports the Momentum foundation.

Not surprisingly, Dutch and German companies and foundations are also on the list.

Examples include the Dutch Mraf van Eeuwijk, MW DJC Meenhors, which contributed one thousand euros, and the also Dutch De Haya van Somerenstichting, which gave nine thousand euros. In addition, the German Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheitis is among the supporters with a donation of 6,500 euros, the analysis reads.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image source: Facebook/András Fekete-Győr