If the suspicion is confirmed, imprisonment of five to ten years can be imposed.

The Chief Prosecutor's Office of the Capital City proposes the arrest of the man who was detained by the National Investigation Bureau of the Emergency Police in the past few days with the cooperation of the Counter-Terrorism Center, based on the indication of a foreign partner authority.

The Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office told MTI on Tuesday that the man can be reasonably suspected of organizing against the constitutional order , which the law threatens with five to ten years in prison.

They reminded me that

the investigation was started on the basis of a tip from foreign partner authorities, and the man was finally caught by the police in a joint, professional operation with the Terrorist Center.

The Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office proposes the arrest of the suspect; according to the opinion of the General Prosecutor's Office, taking into account the circumstances of the crime, the danger of both unlawfully influencing the evidence and repeating the crime is real, so a milder coercive measure is out of the question.

The investigating judge is expected to decide on the subject of the arrest order on Tuesday. There are several suspects in the case, the announcement states.

He was the only adult among the suspects

According to information from Magyar Nemzet, the suspect whose arrest was initiated recently became an adult, and the others are still under the age of eighteen.

From the photos and information shared on the said forum during the observation

it turned out that the young people organizing the action plan to purchase and use weapons.

In view of the international events of the past months, when several leading politicians were attacked by armed forces, the Hungarian services and the Counter-Terrorism Center pay special attention to checking this kind of information and taking the necessary measures.

Civilek.info / MTI / hirado.hu

Cover photo: Photo: MTI/Péter Lakatos