Construction and Transport Minister János Lázár announced in his Facebook post the XII. placing the district Turul statue under monument protection.

"Turul stays! The II. paying tribute to the military and civilian victims of World War II, XII. district monument has been in the crossfire of political debates almost since its inauguration. However, this cannot be a reason to condemn a national symbol and a work of art to destruction.

As the minister responsible for the protection of cultural heritage, one of my most important tasks is to protect our values. Today I ordered the Turul statue to be placed under monument protection." - wrote János Lázár in his post.

In the eyes of the left-liberal side, the Turul statue embodies the arrow terror raging at the end of the Second World War, while for the other side, it embodies the national ideal. The memory policy debate surrounding the Turul statue in the highlands, which has been going on with varying degrees of intensity for almost two decades since it was erected, flared up again this summer. In this year's campaign, pro-dog mayor Gergely Kovács promised to dismantle it in the event of his election. Mi házánk announced a "demonstration of force" for the protection of the turul for October 23, to which 20 organizations have already joined. Construction and Transport Minister János Lázár seems to have cut through the Gordius knot by placing it under protection.

Gergő Kovács, the president of the Dog Party and the mayor of the district, also responded on Facebook, writing, "this could just be a mistake, the minister probably wanted to declare the MÁV a monument. We can now announce the sculpture competition entitled "János Lázár's encounter with monument protection".

Source of opening image: János Lázár's Facebook page