Our revolution of 1956 obliges all Hungarians to remember, but also to consider the lessons of the past. Our most precious treasure is the peaceful life of our country's citizens, the possibility of our families for a war-free, better future, writes László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA, in his blog post.

The popular uprising and revolution of 1956 reminds us of our youth at that time and the bloodbath of the Soviet empire. The young patriots of the Hungarians believed in their unquenchable desire for freedom. By sacrificing themselves, they sent a message to the future that "Home comes first".

In front of the eyes of the whole world, they warned about the recognition of the sovereignty of the people and the respect due to sovereign nations.

Looking back on the events from a historical perspective of more than half a century, those who lived through and survived the persecution of the brutal Soviet empire and its successors can remember authentically. We can take it for granted that we were unlucky. Despite the promises of the Western powers, they threw us as a pawn to the Soviets.

Let's count a second time - this is what happened in II. even after World War II. Our young survivors were given nothing more than confinement in a cage behind the lowered Iron Curtain. The Soviet empire knew no mercy, there was no way to express opinions and freedom of speech, because the power struck down immediately. Blood judges and ÁVH members became front workers.

If we are looking for brave people similar to the young people of the 1956 revolution, we can find Viktor Orbán and his fellow students at the reburial of Imre Nagy on June 16, 1989, 33 years after the events. Unarmed, they became spiritual defenders in an instant. They tied a passport to the soles of a colonial, oppressive empire. They said enough was enough! They reclaimed the freedom of our citizens.

Today's young people also have a task. Fate, as they say, always throws something. Examples include false prophets, egoists accustomed to an easy life, and all-liberal post-communists who sell out their country and serve the modern Brussels empire as Judas.

Don't believe them, in 2006 there were no Russian henchmen in Mátyásföld, yet the pro-Putin prime minister at the time ordered a police attack on the peaceful opposition. Blood does not turn to water!

The wisdom of the Hungarians found the right way and sent the country-ruining prime minister to a 16-year forced rest. However, there are always self-nominated people who, based on their well-being, want to exercise absolute power over our country. Our past is morally questionable, to say the least. They are the ones who, in the hands of foreign supporters, are the persistent scumbags.

Our revolution of 1956 obliges all Hungarians to remember, but also to consider the lessons of the past. Our most precious treasure is the peaceful life of our country's citizens, the possibility of our families for a war-free and better future.

Let's put the performance of our current country leaders in the balance of truth, compare them to the fallen ones. Thoughtful good advice: "Don't leave the beaten track for the untrodden".

As a result of the diligent work of the Hungarians, it can be traced that we have come a long way from 2010 to the present day. Since the regime change, the left has taken more than 10 years from us, squandering our economic results and our country's silver.

Currently, we can see that we have handed over a part of our sovereignty to Brussels, but they are abusing this. Unfortunately, the Brussels empire that turned against our country was chosen by several of our representatives.

In 1956, the young people who rose up fought for freedom with a pure heart, without a spontaneously self-appointed leader. Now in Hungary, according to the will of the people's majesty, with a two-thirds majority, the steering wheel is in the hands of an experienced, patriotic leader. Therefore, let's calmly and quietly light a candle as a sign of remembrance and gratitude, and put it out in our windows.

We demonstrate that "One for all, all for one!"

László Csizmadia
is the president of CÖF-CÖKA

Front page image:
Candlesticks forming the year 1956 in front of St. Stephen's Basilica on the 63rd anniversary of the defeat of the revolution and the war of independence and the entry of Soviet troops, the national day of mourning, November 4, 2019.
MTI/Balázs Mohai