The Hungarian services were informed by American intelligence about the armed action planned for October 23.

At the weekend, the Hungarian services received information from the American partner service that cooperates with them that young people in an online group had a conversation about an action involving protected persons, planned for the near future, the Government Information Center the Hungarian Nation

During the observation, it became clear from the photos and information shared on the mentioned forum that the young people organizing the action plan to purchase and use weapons.

In view of the international events of the past months, when several leading politicians were attacked by armed forces, the Hungarian services and the Counter-Terrorism Center are paying special attention to checking this kind of information and taking the necessary measures, they said in response to the request of the Magyar Nemzet.

, Telex reported that American intelligence had warned the Hungarian authorities about an armed action planned for October 23. Over the weekend, the Anti-Terror Center (TEK) detained half a dozen young people in a Budapest, XVI. in a district beer hall.

It was confirmed to Magyar Nemzet that the raid took place on the street near the pub.


Cover image: Illustration / Photo: MTI/Zoltán Mihádák