The new pro-dog mayor of Hegyvidék simply canceled the application opportunity for churches, church organizations and district scout teams. The XII. according to the district KDNP, this means that they took away the funds that in the future will be given to civil associations that Gergely Kovács likes better. 

"Not even a month has passed, and the Hegyvidéki Self-Government led by Gergely Kovács has already launched an attack against the district's Christian communities," writes Tristan Azbej, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, responsible for programs to help persecuted Christians, in a Facebook post, and the leader of the local KDNP, who is already during the campaign drew attention to the fact that the IX. supported by the Dog Party one of the first measures taken by the district government was to withdraw support from Christian communities.

"I was afraid that the XII. Similar steps will be taken in the district, so I asked the Mayor at the beginning of October. However, there was no answer, only empty irony."

- writes Tristan Azbej.

Brigitta Pulay, the local government delegate of the Hegyvidéki KDNP, reported in a video about the anti-community measure of the pro-dog district administration. As he said: Gergely Kovács began to withdraw funds from churches and scouts. In a video uploaded to the website of the Hegyvidéki KDNP, Pulay recalled that Gergely Kovács had previously promised that he would manage the municipality democratically, without corruption, with the involvement of broad circles of society.

"He didn't hesitate when it came to oppressing one of the largest communities." At its meeting on Monday, the district's law and order committee, with its left-wing majority, accepted the amendment, according to which the district's churches, church organizations and scout groups will not receive a separate call for tenders to support their activities in the future. In Hungarian: the sources were taken away from them - underlined Brigitta Pulay.

He added: in the future, these funds will be given to civil associations Gergely Kovács likes better.

- The local KDNP deeply condemns this practice. We draw the attention of the mayor not to use his power to break up the long-standing communities organically connected to the values ​​of the district - urged KDNP member Gergelyt Kovács, which was watched by the Magyar Nemzet .

Cover photo: Gergely Kovács, president of the Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party
MTI/Balázs Mohai