Almost eight thousand high school and university students from the Carpathian Basin join the programs of the Rákóczi Association on October 23 together with their Polish counterparts to pay tribute to the heroes of 1956 and gain experiential knowledge of the revolution and freedom struggle.

According to the Rákóczi Association's announcement sent to MTI, three thousand young people will participate in the Gloria Victis 1956 memorial ceremony in Budapest.

In addition, organized by the association, five thousand students from 111 secondary schools will travel to celebrate in the Carpathian Basin by crossing at least one border to another Hungarian community.

The 1956 Gloria Victis commemoration - thanks to the late József Halzl, former president of the organization - has become the largest and most emblematic event of the Rákóczi Association in the past three decades, they wrote.

According to their announcement, the young people participating in the event will come to the capital representing the youth organizations of the Rákóczi Association operating in high schools and universities in the Carpathian Basin.

the October 22 program HERE and the October 23 program HERE .


Cover image: Felvidé