On Thursday, the state secretary for national politics, János Árpád Potápi, who died on October 17, will be remembered in the mountain saddle that served as the site of the farewell in Csíksomlyó, at the same time as his funeral. The season-ending cog-driving competition in Gyergyószentmiklós will also be dedicated to the memory of the state secretary, the Hargita Népe daily wrote based on the organizers' announcement.

According to the report of the Hargita county newspaper, Tibor Kolozsvári, the Transylvanian manager of the Carpathian Basin Equestrian Program, said at the press conference announcing the event: before Saturday's equestrian program

on Thursday – at the same time as his funeral in Bonyhád – the Transylvanian riders will remember the politician in Csíksomlyó, in the saddle between Nagy- and Kis-Somlyó-hegy.

At 4:00 p.m. local time, they will leave the church in Csiksomlyo for the mountain pass, where an ecumenical service will be held in memory of the state secretary for national politics.

Tibor Kolozsvári also stated that

on Saturday, a season-ending cog-driving competition will be organized for the second time at the Krigel riding track in Gyergyószentmiklós, which is also dedicated to the memory of János Árpád Potápi.

As he said, in addition to the spectacular competition of single, double and quadruple teeth, the strength competition of working teeth will also be held.

Tibor Bajkó, president of the Krigel Sport Club, pointed out:

Saturday's event fits into the series of equestrian programs in the Carpathian Basin, which was dreamed up by János Árpád Potápi.

He added that although the tragic death overshadows the event, it will be held as a tribute to the memory of the deceased state secretary.

The event is organized in partnership with Gyergyószentmiklós and Hargita county governments and the Hargita County Development Agency.


Photo: Attila Pinti