Smugglers and migrants have returned to the region.

"Now! There is shooting at the border, towards Ásotthalom. Lines are posted, we don't know on which side of the border, but in this case the police are withdrawn from the affected section and the migrants rush in," one of the portal's readers informed Szeged 365 on Thursday around 11:30 am.

According to the residents of the Ásotthalom area, "they are shooting very rudely". According to the locals, in the morning the authorities chased a smuggler between Zákányszék and Bordány.

The Csongrád-Csanád County Police Headquarters said: so far, the police have not received reports of shootings, ergo: it is certain that the county police officers are not "shooting".

Renáta Papp, the mayor of the settlement, informed that she also received a report from the public that the residents were hearing a series of shots, but she said that the origin of the shots could not be identified for the time being.

It seems that if there were indeed shots, they may have been fired across the border.

On Wednesday, the firefighters were again alerted to a fire in a smuggler's car between Zákányszék and Bordány. The Ásotthalmi Hírmondó highlighted the fact that nearly 20 of the vehicles left behind are lost in Ásotthalm as well. Parts thieves disassemble the parts that are important to them, and leave the torsos behind.

It was also highlighted that recently the Mezőőrség found a group of 22 people in the forest. "Recently, human trafficking has picked up so much that groups staying the night here are less frequent, so today's occasion is surprising - there was a mistake in the organization of the shuttle service," they wrote.

Szeged 365

Cover image: The border fence on the Hungarian-Serbian border near Röszke
Source: MTI/Tibor Rosta