Although "after the Danube in October 1956, history also left its bed", the struggle before us, the effort to preserve identity, takes place in a familiar political bed.

Viktor Orbán drew the character of the Hungarians in the image of a freedom-loving, pro-independence people who squirm viscerally from external oppression. Zoltán Lomnici about the prime minister's celebratory speech on October 23.

According to the scientific director of the Századvég Public Knowledge Center Foundation and the spokesperson of the CÖF, the commemoration held on the Millenary was a strong, sovereign leader's call to a strong, sovereign nation - only by joining together can we once again face the external forces that threaten our independence, our rights and assets.

"If our country is in trouble, we must unite. This is the law. "We are a proud and stubborn people, we do not tolerate any superiors interfering in our lives, but we abide by the law of cooperation," emphasized the Prime Minister.

The fight between David and Goliath is taking shape again, Brussels and the globalists are once again fighting against the national government and the sane Hungarian majority.

Goliath, "the symbol of anti-God power", has already found himself a new puppet, who, like the XX. In the 20th century, he would be appointed as the governor of Hungary at the head of a puppet government on several occasions, referring to the fact that "in the duel between David and Goliath, they somehow always side with Goliath, but they always forget one thing, the end of the story," said jr. Lomnici.

According to the analyst, this story always has the same ending: Goliath loses, David wins, and then you can pack up and draw the line.

Béla Kun went to Vienna, Rákosi went to Moscow, and the current ones went to Brussels. Although "after the Danube in October 1956, history also left its bed", the struggle before us, the effort to preserve identity, also takes place in a familiar political bed.

As László Kövér put it, the Tisza party members are trying to overtake and appropriate the moral and political legacy of '56 from the left.

Let's not worry, two grandsons of Kádár's favorite are waiting in the European Parliament, ready to jump, to step into Kádár's inheritance and occupy the position of the head of the executive power with external help. Now they are favoring the new-left Péter Magyar, but they have not completely rejected Klára Dobrev either.

After all, it doesn't matter to them who implements reprivatization in our country, introduces the woke ideology, or plunges our country into war and opens the gates to masses of illegal migrants

explained the analyst. Zoltán Lomnici Jr. stated that the prime minister also spoke about the fact that "not only then, but also now, we are dealing with servants of imperial interests who represent the interests of other entities in Hungary, for example in the area of ​​war incitement".

The Prime Minister made it clear: "We will not tolerate Hungary being turned into a puppet state and a vassal of Brussels again. They won't succeed. They don't break through here. We win, they lose. We Hungarians can and will do it. We will do it again. Glory to the Hungarian heroes of 1956! In 1956, there was unity and the will, but the strength was not enough for sovereign action. Today, unity and will are accompanied by strength, there is the possibility of sovereign action, and I promise that we will take advantage of it," stressed the Prime Minister, calling on the true spiritual heirs of 1956, the members of the national side, both at home and abroad, to take action.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives a speech at the commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle in Budapest, in Millenáris Park on October 23, 2024.
Source: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd