The chairman of the European Parliament delegation of the Fidesz-KDNP spoke at the European Union Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET) conference in Budapest on Friday.

The European Union (EU) must be brought back to the path of normality and common sense, so that the decisions are determined by the interests of the member states, voters and citizens and not by ideological considerations, said Gál Kinga, the chairman of the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament delegation to the European at the EU Civil Cooperation Council (EuCET) conference on Friday in Budapest.

Levente Görgényi/Civils. Info

In his presentation, the first vice-president of the European Parliament group of Patriots for Europe spoke about the fact that the European Union can only be a geopolitically decisive factor if it is made up of strong nation-states and "instead of serving external interests, it will finally represent its own interests" . He added:

decisions based on ideology are harmful and against the interests of Europe, and patriots want normality and common sense to return to European politics.

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If there is no change, Europe will drift into war, waves of migration will destroy European nations, and gender propaganda will take away the future of our children, he said, adding:

"there has never been such a distance between the European elite and the interests and will of the people as now".

Václav Klaus, the former prime minister and president of the Czech Republic, also spoke at the event, who also emphasized the importance of nation states and normality.

Photo: Levente Görgényi/Civilek.Info

We insist on returning to normality, but this is a revolutionary act these days

he noted.


Featured image: Levente Görgényi/Civilek.Info