The president of the RMDSZ, who is running as a candidate for the Romanian head of state, summarized his program of common sense in five points.

Dear Reader! Traveling around the country, I noticed that people: elderly and young adults, students and teachers, entrepreneurs and farmers do not trust the state. Because the state is growing. It grows on our heads! And the bigger it gets, the less respect we all get.

He looks down on, humiliates, punishes, stalks. He acts as if we are for him and he is not for us.

Instead of the current haste, obfuscation and unpredictability, we want sane solutions, sane measures, sane operation! Our government priorities include these. We know what we're doing. For this, we ask for the support of the Hungarian people.

Why am I leaving?

I am running for the fourth time: with a lot of experience and the self-confidence of the winners, I will carry out the campaign as the presidential candidate of the Hungarians. I have a huge advantage over others:

I can afford to talk about what others don't know or are silent about.

Only I will tell the message of the Hungarians, our problems and our hopes, and only I will speak about the need to restore order in the relationship between the citizen and the state. Because the citizen has a state, and not a citizen of the state!

We summarized the common sense program in five points.

1. Opportunity and support for young families! More nurseries for children, flexible working for young mothers, housing support for families.

2. Everything for the students! Fewer lessons and more talent management. Stronger vocational education, fair graduation, better Romanian language teaching.

3. The patients' interests come first! Electronic waiting lists against hospital queues. GP in every settlement. Trust and support for doctors starting their careers, no residency exam.

4. Respect for taxpayers, strength for entrepreneurs! Let there be order: the clever ones should be helped, the clever ones should be punished. A citizen is not a postman. Less tax on work. More loans and application support for businesses. Less multi, more local.

5. More for the citizen, less for the state, respect for the Hungarians! Serve, don't be harassed by the state. Fewer paper-pushing bureaucrats, free papers. More local and fewer Bucharest decisions. Regional bilingualism, not packaging. Restitution, not renationalization.

Chronicle online

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