Csaba Dömötör, the Fidesz EP representative, did not leave it unsaid that the Tisza Party voted for the migration pact in Brussels, which imposes mandatory quotas on our country, but at the same time voted against Hungary finally receiving financial support for the border fence.

In his post about his trip to Vienna, Péter Magyar cynically doubted that migration would cause any public safety problems in Austria. Meanwhile, his fellow representatives in the European Parliament voted on an amendment that would strengthen the EU migration pact by providing an additional HUF 10 billion for it. With the same momentum, they voted down the idea that Hungary should finally receive financial support for the border fence.

The Tisza representatives later tried to deny the essence of their vote and even offered help in interpreting the text. There is no need for this, the text is clear. Let's see what exactly they voted for. Well this:

"additional funding is needed within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund in order to ensure the proper and rapid implementation of the Asylum and Migration Pact; therefore decides to strengthen the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund by EUR 25 million compared to the draft budget by 2025, given that it contributed positively to the immediate support of refugees".

The essence of the migration pact mentioned in the text is to distribute the immigrants arriving in Europe among the member countries. And those who refuse to participate in this are forced to pay heavy fines. This is already affecting our country. Hungary opposed the entire pact throughout, in line with the overwhelming result of the 2016 referendum. However, the representatives of the Tisza do not consider this to be the guiding principle.

Well, right! The Tisza Party voted for the migration pact in Brussels

It is not realistic that the otherwise control-obsessed Péter Magyar does not know very well what proposals are being supported in Brussels. The reasons must be sought elsewhere.

In that the support of Manfred Weber and Ursula von der Leyen has a price. It is clear that the Tiszas will have to vote for everything that is expected of them, even if it is harmful to the country. How did they say it? Relying on the position of the People's Party is "a kind of duty".

It is not the first time that we have seen liberal MEPs deny what they voted for in Brussels. From MSZP to Momentum, a serious tradition has accumulated in this regard. We can't hope for a big change, but we do recommend one thing:

next time you make a video, Péter Magyar should feel free to put a Manfred Weber badge next to the tissás logo.

Featured image: Csaba Dömötör/Facebook