We don't want huxite, because that would cause great damage . The alliance between the EU and Hungary must be maintained through separate agreements.

Do you know that from the beginning of this year, the European Commission (EC) implemented the Digital Services Act, i.e. the Digital Services Act? In principle, this law serves the purpose of allowing large social platforms - Meta (originally known as Facebook), X (originally known as Twitter), TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, etc. moderate its operation for the sake of democracy and human rights, and if necessary, regulate and punish it.

As the European Commission officially puts it: “Its primary purpose is to prevent illegal and harmful online activities and the deliberate dissemination of fake news. The legislation ensures the safety of users, protects fundamental rights, and creates a fair and open online platform environment.”

The official text lists the following as advantages of the law: "greater protection against illegal content"; "action against service providers publishing illegal content"; “greater democratic control and oversight of systemic online platforms and “reduced systemic risks such as manipulation and disinformation”.

All great goals, right?

Moreover, all this is very timely, especially after Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Meta, wrote a letter to the US House Judiciary Committee, in which he admits that he was pressured by the US government to not publish any critical opinions about the Covid epidemic and vaccinations. . He also wrote that at the FBI's request - more clearly: his demand - during Biden's presidential candidacy in 2020, nothing should be made public about the affairs of his son, Hunter Biden, in connection with the money he received from the company Burisma in Ukraine or other private affairs that would have negatively affected Biden's chances in the in the presidential election against Donald Trump.

How we evaluate Zuckerberg's attack of honesty and where we put it is another question, but in any case, it is really very important to introduce a regulation in the EU that would be able to prevent manipulations of this and similar gigantic importance.

Yes, but it's all just an appearance.

The law of the European Commission is far from serving the interests of European citizens, but the interests of the globalist, liberal world networks, the enforcement of their worldview, their beautiful new world, precisely by misleading and misinforming people. In other words, when the EC writes that its aim is to eliminate the deliberate spread of fake news, misinformation and manipulation,

then this means nothing more than silencing views and opinions that are contrary to the opinions and intentions of the liberal-globalist mainstream, with the "legal" means created by them - that is, made legal.

But what is most worrying beyond all of this: the European Commission makes it clear in the Digital Services Act that from now on, the commission will make its decisions above the nations on whether individual online platforms, service providers, portals, personal pages, etc. how long they will comply with the rules and expectations they have created, and they also decide which platforms will be punished or blocked. In other words, the committee is given full power in this area - also - the member states only have the right to notify the committee if they notice something illegal, or to implement what the committee decides in relation to the various social platforms.

But as everyone who knows even a little bit knows the opinion and intentions of the Brussels commission elite, committed to the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Soros empire, led by Ursula von der Leyen, with the operation of the union and Europe, the war, migration and other about things, you can clearly see that this law is nothing but

as another tool in the hands of the globalist elite to break down resistant nation-states and governments, and to destroy the freedom of the press and opinion.

Yes, but we can't stop here. The EC also confronted European people and nations on other issues.

I'm quoting Sebastian Lukomski, one of the leaders of CitizenGO, because I couldn't describe what is still waiting for us more precisely than him. (Not very good.)

"Just last week Von der Leyen's latest plan to expand the powers of the EU Commission came to light. His recently proposed EU budget aims to reduce regional politics across the EU and centralize finances in Brussels.

With the new EU budget, Brussels wants to take control of the investments made in individual regions. Previously, EU funds were directed to the regions, and regional politicians made local decisions about how to spend the money. This ensured that whoever decided on a region's money also lived there. So you and I still had a little say in what happens with our tax dollars - in the form of EU funding - in our own region. Because you and I can vote out regional politicians.

Now, however, bureaucrats in Brussels should decide which region will receive how much support and what exactly the money will be spent on. Civil servants sitting hundreds or thousands of kilometers away should decide on the money of a region! We citizens would no longer have a say. You and I wouldn't even know who the person is who decides on the money of your region. And we wouldn't be able to elect or remove these EU bureaucrats either."

You could go on as I did in my last article.

Tamás Fricz: Lynch atmosphere in Strasbourg

I have listed the most incompetent measures of the Union that harm European citizens, and their drafts: the Green Deal, which will destroy European agriculture and indirectly also industry, the intention to abolish cash, the plan for the total expansion of the power of the WHO (World Health Organization) - of which the EU does not want to resist -, the intention to make Europe mixed race and religion (the Kalergi plan), the legalization of gender ideology covering all countries and so on.

What follows from all this? The fact that the European Commission - and with it the European Parliament, the wider Union - has become an institution that acts against the European peoples and destroys Europe. An institution, which has now become independent and independent from Europe, operates in isolation from it in its goals, following the goals imposed on it by the global elite.

In other words: the peoples and nations of Europe, nation-states, and the institutional system called the European Union have separated from each other.

The name doesn't mean anything anymore, more precisely, it's a cover name, behind which lies a completely different content. This is a bit like the German Marshall Fund, which, despite its name, does not represent German interests at all, but rather American ones. Or this was how the Patriotic People's Front was in the old system, which was not only patriotic and popular, but served the interests of the Communist Party.

I don't believe those who say that we just have to wait the five years, and in the EP elections of 2029 we, the sovereignists, will take over the power and everything will be fine.

There is no guarantee for this. These five years are perfectly enough for the Brussels elite to completely transform, centralize the union and eliminate the sovereignty of the member states.

In particular, in the next year and a half, they will focus on bringing Péter Magyar to power as the head of their biggest opponent, Hungary, which, as he said himself, was condemned as a country by Manfred Weber.

We don't want huxite, because that would cause great damage.

If there is no chance that a pan-European convention will establish a new Union of Sovereign States instead of the current, dysfunctional union, then - for lack of a better option - we should initiate negotiations with the leadership of the union about Hungary entering into a separate agreement with Brussels, in which economic and trade cooperation we keep our distance from each other in all other matters. It is now better to be three steps away from this union, I repeat, and not from Europe.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Ursula von der Leyen is at the right of the heir to the Soros empire
Source: Facebook/Alex Soros