Somehow we are still imprisoned by the definition of Marxism when we think of trade unions, where workers and employers are in irreconcilable conflict with each other. But there can be a different kind of trade union and a different kind of philosophy.
Can there be such a thing as a Christian-democratic trade union, which is organized along Christian values and represents a kind of retaining force for both the employer and the employees? It's not about burnout, it's not about people becoming productive robots, but a mutual cooperation based on Christian values - historian-journalist Dániel Ferkó gave his guests the first topic of the panel discussion as the moderator of the panel discussion of the 5th EuCET conference.
Today we see that employed workers in all European countries vote for the right, while those living in the richest areas of the cities vote for the left. What is the explanation for this? The answer will be given in the conversation, listen back from our video recording.
Invited guests:
- Gian Luigi Ferretti, head of international relations at the Italian UGL trade union
- Rodrigo Alonso Fernandez, president of the Spanish trade union SOLIDARIDAD
- Imre Palkovics, president of the National Association of Workers' Councils
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