"In 2025, things will happen in Hungary that have never happened before, and it will be fantastic," the Prime Minister stated on Kossuth Rádio in connection with next year's budget.
Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, Friday morning on Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! was the guest of his program, where he explained the draft budget for next year in more detail. It turned out that more money goes to economic development, wage increases, home building and family support. In response to a journalist's question, the prime minister explained that
economic growth requires an end to war.
He stated that there is the war itself and the sanctions given to it. The sanctions led to an increase in energy prices, "and that brought inflation" . "how to be better" that is essential for economic success, a defensive attitude came, and the economy was transformed in its way of thinking.
"If we can't put an end to this, the soul will not return to the economy, and even if the numbers look good, if they don't believe in what they are doing, there will be no economic development."
"In order to be successful, we have to end the war," stated Viktor Orbán. He noted that thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people die in the war, lose their physical integrity, and the population of Ukraine and Russia increases by thousands of orphans every day. Widows, suffering, blood and sadness everywhere.
"So, of course, this is the most important argument against the war, but we also have another argument, this is a Hungarian argument, that for us this war is a blow from God from the point of view of our pockets, our economy, our income, our standard of living."
Peace needed a protagonist, which is why the American election was important. Next year's budget was compiled in two copies, the peace budget and the war budget were completed. "In 2025, things will happen in Hungary that have never happened before, and it will be fantastic," the Prime Minister stated in connection with next year's budget.
This budget is the budget of the new economic policy"
Viktor Orbán stated.
This budget will be about families, I want to raise wages, they have set a multi-year goal of one million HUF average wages, and with regard to housing, I want to ensure that the costs of building a home are affordable.
The Prime Minister also talked about the HUF 150,000 monthly housing subsidy: as he said, the private sector had to somehow be put in a position to be able to provide subsidies to its young employees. The employer can provide housing support at a discount of up to HUF 150,000 per month over 35 years, which can be used for rent and installment payments.
In addition, the government is launching a program to help small companies within the framework of the Demján program, "this has never happened before" . He also talked about the worker's loan, which is "emotionally close to most members of the government" , since not only students, but also young workers should be supported.
The feasibility of next year's budget is related to peace. "We're in a tailspin ," Trump said of his chances for peace. "Now we are waiting for peace" , because Trump will not take office until the end of January. Normally, what happens between the election and the inauguration of a new president is not a very exciting question, but since the current leadership is pro-war, it is worth paying attention now. The question is how
"will the Americans take note of the decision that the pro-peace president won".
The campaign is over, the "peace comrade" has won, and now we have to work in Brussels so that peace wins there too.
During Thursday, a report spread like wildfire among the Hungarian public, according to which between 2013 and 2024, the EU economy expanded by only 15 percent, while the American economy expanded by 64 percent.
Regarding the difference between the economic growth of the Union and the United States, Viktor Orbán noted that bad decisions were made in Europe, which is why we are not where the Americans are. European leaders should do a serious self-examination, the residents of European countries that are richer than ours also report terrible things economically. However, there is no time. If Europe does not change its strategy, it will die in 2-3 years - Viktor Orbán quoted President Emmanuel Macron. According to him, decisions must be made in the next six months, otherwise "we can throw hats, coats, crosses."
Thus, energy prices must be reduced, sanctions must be revised, and in addition, a reduction in bureaucracy must be achieved in the EU, because many "idiot" rules are killing the economy.
And you have to rebel against Brussels, openly, you can't wait for them, you have to start implementing economic measures almost immediately.
According to the Prime Minister, the Draghi report was depressing from this point of view,
"the voice gets stuck in a person when he reads it". The report clearly demonstrated that the West is not declining, but falling. Draghi's analysis created an atmosphere where Western countries understood how the situation stood. This is how the Budapest Declaration on competitiveness was created, which was accepted very easily.
In connection with the national consultation, the Prime Minister noted that one of the reasons is that ammunition is needed for the battles in Brussels, and the will of the people is the strongest argument in a democracy. The other goal is that those who think about the future of our country have some questions here. People are interested in the topics raised in the consultation, approximately one and a half million are willing to express their opinion, and they can address others about matters affecting the common future of all of us, which is why the consultation is also suitable for community building.
Maybe the country will be more united this way
pointed out the prime minister.
Featured image: Viktor Orbán/Facebook