In the approximately one thousand page document, it is also detailed, among other things, which buildings and infrastructure the soldiers should protect in an emergency situation.
Secret documents revealed on Wednesday that Berlin has begun making plans for how 800,000 NATO troops, including several American units, could intervene if the Russians decide to take a more dangerous step than ever before, according to their recently updated nuclear doctrine.
Operation Deutschland, a roughly 1,000-page plan, aims to prepare Germany for a possible World War III scenario
- wrote the New York Post.
According to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the top-secret documents detail what buildings and infrastructure the military should protect, and how businesses and civilians should be prepared for increased threats.
It was also hinted that Berlin is preparing a scenario that would allow about 200,000 military vehicles to be transported through German territory if the alliance were to join Ukraine's fight against Russia. However, no further details were disclosed.
Germany is counting on the expansion of the Russo-Ukrainian war.
Sweden, Norway and Finland have also issued warnings of a possible war - around the same time as Vladimir Putin changed Russia's nuclear doctrine.
The Scandinavian states are already preparing the population for the world war
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