If there is a film that the globalist "intellectuals" tried to smear before its release, it is arguably Most or Never. Did they get angry because the film creates and strengthens national feelings, or because it is linked to the name of Philip Rákay?
- I don't think that the life of Philip Rákay, one of the recipients of this year's Vasvári Prize, has been quiet in the past nine months, since the release of the historical adventure film The Young People of March, depicting the first day of the Hungarian Revolution. A lot of love and a lot of hate surrounded the creation and still surrounds it to this day. Why do you think the attacks?
"Maybe I could name two reasons." One is that after 1947, when the Rákos started operating a murderous power system with the blue-label elections, rigging the elections, persecuting the churches, operating a state terror machine full of horrible stories and murders, they realized that the Hungarian culture of that time, including cinematography, was quickly it needs to be embraced like everything else. The II. We are in the aftermath of World War I, and filmmakers who are loyal to the system will not suddenly appear, so at first they had to work with the filmmakers of the pre-war world, the Eastern Mártons, until they trained their own at the appropriate universities and colleges. They didn't train those judges and critics who then became the anointed kings of the theater and film world, who elevated directors and actors, or even drove them to commit suicide. They created the university chairs of this area and occupied the entire media world, the world of culture, by the hair and the skin. They filled it with their own people. I don't mean to say that after 1947, everyone we see on film, every actor, was left-wing, because we could name quite a few talented people who didn't join the queue and still got an opportunity, but in broad terms, the culture - in quotation marks - it became their playground, in which the world of film and media is a very important sandbox.
They knew that there was no other way to maintain this murderous power than by occupying the area and trying to carry out the most effective brainwashing there compared to the possibilities at the time.
Now, this system practically worked for decades, these comrades gave each other the door handle at various universities, admissions, movies, and theaters. When we arrived at the system change, there was no real system change either in the world of the media - we could both tell a lot about this - or in the world of culture or theater, and given that generations passed the baton to each other,
this left-wing intelligentsia and art world are used to it, they have been socialized in such a way that this is their creed forever.
That is why they are not willing to let in, say, a patriotic filmmaker like me or my team. Their visceral hatred stems from their belief that this area is theirs by law, and we have nothing to do there. After all, it has been said many times that an artist and an intellectual can only be left-wing. They said it so many times that we almost believed it at the end.
"Fortunately, only almost, otherwise this film would not have been born."
"That's true, but the mentality that characterizes them hasn't disappeared yet." They talk about a high horse, they distribute reason from an ivory tower to us, the Hungarians, the Pór people, they have the right to say what is good and what is bad, and they started to hate those who don't fall in line. It absolutely drives them crazy when they see that some people - like me and all the makers of the film - have a glowing view of the work, of the whole Petőfi affair, that they are making a patriotic film and that their filmic ars poetics is finally not that Hungarians are just a bunch of useless, alcoholic, jerk pro-gatherers, and we'll show you what the film world is like.
We, on the other hand, do not want to ram the viewers into the ground, but to lift them to the heights of Petőfi, Vasvári, Jókai, Bulyovszky with their heart-wrenching stories. From here on, we play in a different league.
Because they operate with their own sociodramas and by laughing at everything that is historically sacred to us. As I said before, we try to lift the viewer up. But in the meantime, we wrote a story that we wanted to appeal to young people, because you can't write dusty historical films these days, they're not interested in that. That's why we said from the beginning that this is a historical adventure film with a lot of fiction, as we wrote at the beginning of the film, as it happened and as it could have happened.
– This is the background and one of the reasons for hatred. The other, on the other hand, seems to be the person of a producer called Philip Rákay.
– I am probably the other important excuse, through whom they thought that this government and the right-wing patriotic world could be dealt a huge blow. Which is also unfair because this film is not about me. Okay. I am listed as a creative producer and one of the screenwriters, but on the one hand, this is the work of 1,400 people, 1,400 highly talented people, whom I didn't ask where they voted 4 years ago, I didn't ask them for their party ID, but I wanted the best people for the best positions.
What do I know about who voted and how! We had a common cause, the cause of Petőfi and the young people of March, and they lined up behind us with their best knowledge and talent.
This is nowhere near my one man show, on the contrary. Then again, the attacks are undeserved, because if someone watches this film, they can see that there is not even half a sentence of current politics in it. When they leave Pilvax, Petőfi does not say that we are going to the Peace March, i.e. there is no actual political intention in the film.
Therefore, those who attack are not only attacking the creators, but also the memory of the March youth.
It wanted to be a beautiful film, an uplifting beautiful and watchable film. How about patriotism? How about the fact that some of these 20-year-old guys gave their lives for our country, for national sovereignty, for independent Hungary? Yes, this has a message that is still valid today, and also about loving our country passionately. If this is a political message to someone, I can only be very sorry, because this is how every normal Hungarian should feel.
- Perhaps the globalists would have celebrated the film if there was at least one gay couple in it and the flag of the Union was flying in the background...
- They probably would have liked the film better then, but joking aside, those who attack it are neither able to spit out nor swallow anything that is national, that is patriotic, that proclaims the greatness of the Hungarian history of the last 1000 or more years, or even your mistakes, your failures, from which you can learn something again by working together. I am excited by those stories that tell something to today and that make me better or uplift me. Which has catharsis. A thousand years ago, Aristotle describes what catharsis is, and the other side wants us to forget it, because a significant number of left-wing creators - respect for the exception - whether in theater or film, are convinced that catharsis is something from the devil, taken thing. I think it is the manifestation of the highest divine spirituality. People need this. They don't want to see social misery on the screen and in the cinema, I'm not interested in that either. Of course, such films should be made, I don't mind. I won't start protesting against them, but they shouldn't do such things either, they shouldn't be unfair to us either. What hurt me the most was that 90 percent of the left-wing media, marching under the holy banner of great acceptance and liberal values, as I used to say, announced to their readers that we have already seen this movie, you don't have to because it's terrible, don't go to the cinema. In other words, they tried to keep significant sections of Hungarian society away from a Hungarian cultural product, and I must say that they succeeded.
So they managed to make it awkward for a family of four to go to the box office of a cinema and say that we came to the screening of Now or Never. So that's awful.
- Let's say a qualified case of slander was that long before the presentation, when they hadn't even seen a single frame of the film, they insulted and attacked them.
- That's why I wrote to them on Facebook that comrades, be careful, the film premiere will only take place in the evening, but already on the film review site I don't know the name of, they rated the unseen work with a score of three thousand or minus one. Children, let's pay attention! This was also part of a very transparent and very, very nasty game.
However, the audience that has actually seen the film does love it.
I traveled through Transylvania, from the smallest villages to the largest cities, participated in dozens of audience meetings and saw people crying in the auditorium, and people singing the Székely and Hungarian national anthems. In fact, people applauded at the end of the film in plaza cinemas from Budapest to Sopron to Szeged, even though this is not a theater performance where the actors take a bow at the end. So we still got something out of those who gave it a chance and went to see the film.
Author: György Tóth Jr
Cover photo: Rákay Philip published the new trailer for the Petőfi film - Source: Facebook/Rákay Philip