From now on, you can travel to Romania from another Schengen member state under practically the same conditions as if you were traveling domestically. At the Hungarian-Romanian border, only random inspections should be expected.

Regular border checks will cease at almost 40 of Romania's border crossings with Hungary and Bulgaria as of January 1st, when the country becomes a full member of the Schengen area. At 12 road and five rail border crossings on the Hungarian-Romanian border, and at 11 road, 3 rail and 8 port border crossings on the Bulgarian-Romanian border, the regular inspection of the documents of passing passengers will be suspended, regardless of nationality and vehicle. From now on, it is possible to travel from Romania to another Schengen member country under practically the same conditions as if it were a domestic trip, the Romanian border police said in a statement.

However, passengers preparing to cross the national border must have a valid travel document - passport or identity card.

The Romanian border police will continue to carry out random checks in the 30-kilometer area of ​​the state border together with the police, the gendarmerie and the immigration police.

According to the border police, Romania is prepared for the adequate protection of the external borders of the European Union and the Schengen zone in terms of logistics and human resources.

An average of 110,000 passengers and 33,000 vehicles, including 7,300 trucks, crossed Romania's border crossings this year. The largest traffic on the Hungarian-Romanian border was handled at the Csanádpalota-Nagylak II highway crossing, where an average of 9,500 passengers and 4,870 vehicles were checked. On the Bulgarian-Romanian border, the Danube bridge between Giurgiu-Rusze had the highest traffic, where 10,500 passengers and 5,000 vehicles crossed daily.

