The telenovela, which ran for more than three hundred episodes over thirteen years, is being resurrected by its creators, and Neighbors will return with one new episode a week in 2025, updated with descendants of the former cast of the Gazdagrét housing estate. The only question is which channel. Because MTVA, on which it was broadcast at the time, does not ask for it.

The more than 300-episode series, set in Gazdasgrét, showed the lives of ordinary little people and proved to be a real success story. The impact of the telenovela is well characterized by the fact that even today there are plenty of compatriots who make a pilgrimage to the Gazdagrét housing estate and take photos in the house where Feri Vágási, Aunt Lenke, Uncle Taki and the others "lived".

The directors now promise that in 2025 we will be entertained in a more current way by the various family members of the telenovela, who appeared to the audience at the time with the aim of showing the everyday problems of the little man - factory worker, shop assistant, teacher, taxi driver and handyman in a familiar way.


Millions followed the development of the lives of Mágenheim (pictured), Takács and the Vágási family / Photo: MTV

János Bujtás, despite the fact that the original director, Ádám Horváth, asked him not to make a sequel because he no longer sees the point, the director still believes in him.

Now I dare to declare that all obstacles to the continuation have been removed. The continuation of the story is already being written and outlined in the background, and I have already consulted with quite a few actors, and I can proudly say that they are enthusiastic and partners in getting Neighbors back on the screen

- stated János Bujtás to Blikk, who also revealed that it is still a question of which channel it will be broadcast on, because according to him, the original broadcaster, MTVA, "doesn't ask for it".

The director - who contributed to around 150 episodes - stated that he thinks Neighbors never ended, life was going on in the background, and now they return updated with the descendants of the episode characters, with a new episode a week.

Cover image: Excerpt from the Neighbors series / Photo: