It is worth checking whether the application can be installed on our device at all.
The deadline of January 16 is getting closer and closer, when the Ügyfélkapu will be replaced by the Ügyfélkapu+ and the Digital Citizenship Program (DÁP) mobile application. However, the use of the DÁP requires a specific operating system, which in the case of many older phones may require a costly replacement. Although the use of the application will not be mandatory, it offers a number of serious advantages compared to, for example, personal administration.
It is important to point out that the possibility of personal office administration will still remain at the government windows.
Citizens who want to switch from the Customer Portal to DÁP must pay close attention, because certain mobile phone operating systems do not support downloading the DÁP application.
Thus, it may happen that a mobile phone that is still working well needs to be replaced again at considerable cost in order for the citizen to be DÁP-capable.
The DÁP application currently supports the following operating systems:
– Android: version 10 or higher;
– iOS: version 16 or later.
Android 10 was released by Google in 2019, while iOS 16 arrived in September 2022.
If someone's phone is running an operating system older than the above, they will not be able to use the app.
In addition, it cannot be used on Huawei devices, except for those running the Android operating system and on which Google services, including Google Play, are officially available.
According to DÁP's website, DÁP handles sensitive personal data, so it is important that the application runs in a secure environment. Newer operating systems have more advanced security functions, they support the technologies that the DÁP application needs for smooth operation.
If your phone does not meet the above requirements, it is recommended that you update your phone's operating system to the latest version. If upgrading isn't an option, you might want to buy a new phone.
On the Android front in Hungary, the share of the versions on which the DÁP application cannot be used is around 10 percent.
According to eNET's 2022 representative research, 6.2 million people use smartphones in Hungary,
therefore, even so, hundreds of thousands of people may be affected by the issue, so taking into account the value of mobile phones, it can be a matter of spending in the billions, if it is the turn to replace them.
In the case of iOS, it can be a much smaller group, because Apple provides operating system updates for each of its models over a much longer period of time. For example, iOS 16, established as a requirement, can no longer be installed on the first iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPhone 4s.
However, it is important to take into account that in addition to personal administration, Ügyfélkapu+ can also be used without a smartphone (see TOTP.APP, Verify), while in the case of smartphone use, authentication applications (Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.) on Android 6.0 they also work.
According to the current plans, the use of DÁP will not be mandatory in the future either, the above alternatives will remain, however, those who do not register for the program will miss out on many useful functions.
You can already use the application to make an appointment at the government window, verify yourself during a police identification (with the QR code in the application instead of the identity card, passport or driver's license) or request a digital moral certificate.
Recently, the digital signature function has also been activated, and soon, according to plans, QR code login at market service providers, the exchange of physical documents or the sale and purchase of a vehicle will become available.
The government increasingly wants to guide the population towards digital citizenship. In the spirit of this, at the beginning of the year, an important administrative change affecting all of us will come into effect, as of January 16, the already well-known Customer Portal will cease to exist. In our article, we summarized in 10 points what you should do in this regard if you have not yet completed the necessary registration steps.
Cover image: From January 16, only Ügyfélkapu+ will be available