The post-communists, hand in hand with the representatives of extreme ultraliberalism, are doing everything they can to ensure that their globalist imperial outlook takes off.

Our world has often been the land of promises and promises. We, Hungarians, have fallen in love countless times with such figures - views served by them - who, as false messiahs, set their banner on the acquisition of power. In every case, they sought out their affordable helpers who were suitable for treason, they sacrificed and would sacrifice their country, their families, and the future of their children for the roles of petty kings and governors.

The statement is confirmed by history itself, it is worth recalling the lessons learned, for example the iron curtain lowered in the Kádár system and the ÁVH pribéks set up behind our backs.

In 1990, when we had the opportunity to change the regime in national unity, the majority of Hungarians took advantage of the opportunity.

In 1994, although barely four years had passed, the extended tentacles of the post-communists and pseudo-liberals overtook us and crushed our growing desire for freedom.

In 1998, due to the awakening will of the electorate, we regained governance with a national sentiment. The country gained momentum. In vain, because unfortunately we have repeatedly failed to bring the robbers who are ruining the country to justice.

In 2002, the deceived voters still believed that the change of power would lead them forward, and now only the unity of the nation and the interests of the population's well-being will be represented by the successors of the post-communist system. As it turned out, we were wrong, and the Medgyessy-Gyurcsány-Bajnai family, who came to power, were able to sell off our national silver with the means of free robbery for eight years, and stay in power with fraud and lies. Don't forget that they also took armed action against their own people.

In 2010, patriotic voters who recognized the political and economic facts realized that we still had not implemented the complete system change and, within that, accountability.

New times have begun, the two-thirds parliamentary majority has been established, in addition to ensuring the conditions for the rule of law to put our country in order.

The government based on national-conservative foundations ensured that the manual labor of the people would not be enjoyed by the dorbezoling Judases selling out the country in the future. We gathered the resources of our nation and for 15 years now, with the Peace Marches, our two-thirds unity, we have preserved caring governance. Our results speak for themselves.

Meanwhile, the world around us has also changed. However, the Christian-national right again fell into the fault of the gentlemen and failed to hold the culprits of the post-communist, neoliberal government to account.

This is also why it is possible for the Hungarian opposition to envision an early election before the 2026 elections, using the European Union's majority party political forces and bringing forward its old methods.

In the last 15 years, there was not a moment when they did not attack the majority democracy, the stable social system, due to their hunger for power.

They are preparing to take over the government with pseudo-civilian organizations built up from the West and supported by money, and with their media power. They would do this at breakneck speed, because the pillars of the European Union bureaucracy behind them have weakened.

Let's put on the gloves, let's finally fight the fight, bury the sick ideas once and for all!

We can do it, because compared to the Western world, our economy is stable. The former colonial powers of the Middle Powers, France, Germany, Holland, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, etc. against their will, they were cut off from the Middle Eastern and African economic umbilical cord that fed them, the blood transfusion stopped. The USA has a president who, like European patriots, wants to make his own nation great again.

The Russian-Ukrainian war showed that the "bear" cannot be defeated by boomerang sanctions.

It is increasingly certain that this is not the solution. The strength of Europe can be regained again if its nations and representatives fight their battle to secure their sovereignty with a patriotic attitude both in the Union and in their own country.

Hungary's intellectual patriots and civilians can set an example. Let's take advantage of favorable winds. Let's force the appointed messiah of the opposition back into the world of work, use the tools of morality and law, and use true data to bring the misled ones to their senses.

How? According to our Constitution and Basic Law, in the spirit of civil and criminal law. Let's do all this according to the standards of the common good and public morality. Those who organize a coup belong in prison.

The will of the people resulted in a two-thirds majority in our National Assembly. The opposition/"enemy" wants to make our functioning society and booming economic life impossible with dishonest means and a coup d'état.

Let's put it simply: the tail can't wag the dog. All those who betray our country, serve our enemies as mercenaries, spread horror stories and lies, sometimes steal and cheat, now "enjoy" the power of the law! This task is solved by our justice system.

We, the bearers of the majority of the people's will, who have created our new world almost from nothing out of our robbed country in the last 15 years, let us stick to our rights. Go forward and not back!

László Csizmadia,
president of CÖF-CÖKA